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Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
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Bristol & Papyrus
I have some of this pattern, one is from Kelston Potteries called Bristol 492, and one from Kelston Ceramics called Papyrus D666 and both are exactly the same pattern...
mumof1- Admin
- Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
Just picked up that they were the same pattern yesterday on TradeMe.
Why? Would? They? Do? That??
Will never know
Will use this pic for Papyrus D666 too, thanks narna
Why? Would? They? Do? That??
Will never know
Will use this pic for Papyrus D666 too, thanks narna
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
So it appears that the same pattern with a [slightly] different backstamp, is enough reason for a totally different pattern name and number!!!
Probably were sold at different outlets .....?
Also the Pat.No. and the d number usage are from two different timeframes.
Probably were sold at different outlets .....?
Also the Pat.No. and the d number usage are from two different timeframes.
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
I have a bristol 492 bread and butter plate (exact backstamp as above), which is a butterscotch sort of colour in the central well (white rim) of an apollo shape plate....
Cat-a-lat- Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
That's a puzzler isn't it? In another time and place it would have a different name and number! It' good to know thanks cat
Bristol in Orange & Brown
Bristol pat. 492 on back but in a different colour...yep I broke it too..
Kat & Co.- Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
Oh no... how did you manage to break it?
I have put it into the no names gallery -
I have put it into the no names gallery -
JanPots- Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
It has the same name and number as the usual Bristol Janice.
Perhaps this came in several colours as did several other patterns?
Perhaps this came in several colours as did several other patterns?
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
I know.. its weird - should I take out of the no names gallery?
JanPots- Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10
Re: Bristol Pat. No. 492 and Papyrus d666
Put groceries on top of it in car, just not being careful, its a shame as i think its much nicer than the green orange mix.
Kat & Co.- Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03
Bristol 492 in green & black
Coupe shape Lunch plate also stamped on back Bristol pat no.492 but in another colourway of green & black.. which would mix & match well together with the others above.
Kat & Co.- Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03
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