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Driving Creek Fiftieth Celebrations

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Driving Creek Fiftieth Celebrations Empty Driving Creek Fiftieth Celebrations

Post  matildargh Mon 3 Jun - 15:11

Kia ora koutou,

Greetings from Driving Creek where we are getting ready to celebrate fifty(ish) years since Barry moved onto the land. We are currently undertaking the mammoth task of trying to track down all of the potters, track builders and general oddballs who have been a part of Driving Creek since 1973. The first wave of invites have gone out but we are having trouble tracking some people down so if you or anyone you know was a part of Driving Creek and you haven't yet received an invite, please let us know and we will promptly send one out to you. Please email: matilda with your name and association with DC.

Ngā mihi nui,



Number of posts : 1
Location : Coromandel
Registration date : 2024-06-03

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