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Ambrico ad Empty Ambrico ad

Post  TonyK Mon 1 Sep - 23:55

This ad for Ambrico insulators appeared in the Auckland Weekly News in 1941:
Ambrico ad Ambric12

and shows these pieces:
Ambrico ad Ambric11

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Ambrico ad Empty insulators in use, or retired

Post  Jeremy Ashford Tue 18 Feb - 17:07

My Aunt Lorna and Uncle John visited the other day. Sitting at the dining table, John asked if my insulators were Crown Lynn. I hadn't really thought too much about it.
Lorna, btw, is my late mum's youngest sister (three girls). The girls grew up in Whenuapai and were no strangers to Clarkes Potteries in nearby Hobsonville. Many items on the farm came from Clarkes. I think Lorna said she and John still have a Clarkes trough in use as a planter.

Anyway, trawling through the history files I saw this ad for insulators. And, yes, SOME of my insulators are Ambrico. I have taken the small electric fence insulators down now and they have sat on a window cill for six months. Here they are:
Ambrico ad Insula10

Why, you may indeed ask, do I need insulators in my dining room?
Because when we built it I decided to keep the wiring for the lights versatile and built a power pole in the middle of the room. Here are some of the insulators currently in use. They are a bit fatter. I do not know their provenance.
Ambrico ad Morein10
This particular cable carries power to the lights over the day bed.

Bronwyn Harlow, a collector of Green Gables, told me Green Gables also produced electric fence insulators for their bread and butter.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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