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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 EmptyToday at 12:31 by Ev

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 EmptyYesterday at 6:30 by Ev

» The Grand Old Duke of Crown Lynn
Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 EmptySun 1 Dec - 19:11 by Ev

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 EmptySat 30 Nov - 15:48 by Ev

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  Ev Tue 1 Feb - 10:59

Thanks Heather for alerting me to the fact that we already had pics of this pattern in other Galleries.

Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 41910 Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 71510

I will pop one of the pics into the Tableware Patterns Gallery .... Thanks Ev

Number of posts : 18008
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  Thelma Tue 1 Feb - 20:47

While in Wellington last weekend, we were discussing this very pattern and trying to remember where it was used. I thought it might have been used in hospitals, does anyone know the answer please? Jane has two entree (oval) plates that she uses all the time.

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  HeatherT Thu 3 Feb - 21:27

You might be right about the there a nurse in the house?? Rolling Eyes

Number of posts : 873
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Interests: : Crown Lynn animals, swans and vases
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  mrnarna Wed 2 Mar - 17:10

Okay heres my take on it

We are all agreed the CL played copy cat with a lot of the ware, mainly copying or trying to imitate the British, hell down to backstamping some of their ware with the word "British". Well i have a number of British pieces with this same Double red stripe and it is all labelled Hotelware. and the majority of it was sold in New Zealand. So would it be too much of a push to think CL copied this too.

The following image is from left Crown Lynn then two Scoular sold Dunn Bennett & Co cups
Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Dsc0020rz

this is the back stamp of the second in the line up Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Dsc0022gri

this image shows again Crown Lynn on the left and Dunn Bennett & Co on the right

Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Dsc0023mo

last of all is this The Grindley Hotelware Co Cup

Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Dsc0024fw

and its Backstamp Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Dsc0027w

So with that I'm leaning towards it being Hotelware.


Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  Thelma Wed 2 Mar - 23:28

By crikey, you might just have the answer, thanks for that Very Happy

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty 2 Green Lines - Like the red version but Green

Post  JanPots Sun 29 Dec - 12:56

2 Green Stripes - After reading this thread, I went to check the back-stamp for the BB Plate - yay..  its Crown Lynn
Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 04910
Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 04710

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty re super vitrified ware (2 red lines) deco no 75If

Post  Jonno Sun 29 Dec - 16:06

If you go to search and enter :-

Is this Gibpat Crown Lynn?

There is some more info that you may be interested in about GibPat. & Grindleys.

Number of posts : 662
Location : Milford,Auckland
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  Maryr Mon 30 Dec - 9:18

In my interview notes, the double red line ware is described by Tom Clark Jnr (a Crown Lynn chemist) as hospital ware, and by Tom Clark Snr as hotel ware. I think the hospitals all used it, but it was also most likely used in other institutions as well. From 1978, the hospitals started using this ware with the upright bands of beige.
Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Hotel_10

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  JanPots Mon 30 Dec - 9:52

Hi Jonno & Maryr
I re-read your notes in your latest book and the link Jonno suggested- Thank you.
I saw that the red lines pattern was once used in hospitals. The green line plate I picked up in Queenstown, I wonder if green lines were SI hospitals and Red NI Hospitals , similar to how Blue & Red Tango were used? Just a thought! Janice


Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  Maryr Mon 30 Dec - 9:55

The red line is quite plentiful and the green line seems to be quite rare, so I doubt if it would have been used to any great extent - so probably not in hospitals.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 Empty Re: Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75

Post  Ev Mon 30 Dec - 10:17

I've put your 2 green lines photo into the patterns gallery thanks Janice, though I haven't come across it in the records. There is a 1 yellow line somewhere in the records I seem to recall.
I have a plate with an orange line that I must post somewhere too.

This plate with 2 red lines is quite old going by the backstamp
Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 2_red_10

Super Vitrified Ware [2 Red Lines] Deco No 75 2_red_11

Number of posts : 18008
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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