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Royal oak brick shape float vase 570

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Royal oak brick shape float vase 570 Empty Royal oak brick shape float vase 570

Post  Thelma Thu 3 Feb - 20:40

Fished this out of a box today while having a look for something else.

Royal oak brick shape float vase 570 Crownl10

and the backstamp

Royal oak brick shape float vase 570 Crownl11

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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Royal oak brick shape float vase 570 Empty Re: Royal oak brick shape float vase 570

Post  Ev Thu 3 Feb - 21:02

Brilliant Thelma ..... I haven't seen that shape before....
it matches the Crown Lynn shape 570 .... they made blanks for Royal Oak at one time ..
and the 572 is the same but a different size cheers
A nice Royal Oak stamp to boot clown
I will add your pic to the Shapes Gallery when I get a chance
Cheers Ev

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Royal oak brick shape float vase 570 Empty Re: Royal oak brick shape float vase 570

Post  Ev Sun 6 Feb - 7:53

I'm going to move your post into the Crown Lynn Shapes Discussion topic Thelma.
As we need two other Admins to confirm the shape before I can put it in the Shapes Gallery.
My thoughts are not always correct clown
Royal Oak would have done the finish coat on the pot .... so it's half theirs lolz

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Royal oak brick shape float vase 570 Empty Re: Royal oak brick shape float vase 570

Post  HeatherT Sun 6 Feb - 9:32

You dont need confirmation when the number is so clear and the shape a match...I would have thought. You have my blessing anyway!!

Number of posts : 873
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Interests: : Crown Lynn animals, swans and vases
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Royal oak brick shape float vase 570 Empty Re: Royal oak brick shape float vase 570

Post  Ev Sun 6 Feb - 11:18

Just needed that Admin nod..... Thanks Heather Smile

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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