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what is this rose?

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what is this rose? Empty what is this rose?

Post  mumof1 Tue 22 Mar - 14:59

what is this rose? 164038875

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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what is this rose? Empty Re: what is this rose?

Post  mumof1 Tue 22 Mar - 15:05

mumof1 wrote:what is this rose? 164038875
Sorry, new at this, the photo is quite small, I don't seem to be able to upload a bigger one. This measures around 225mm on the round part of the plate.

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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what is this rose? Empty Re: what is this rose?

Post  Ev Tue 22 Mar - 15:07

Welcome to the Forum mumof1 Very Happy

Not sure what that rose is, but it's on an old cake plate that Crown Lynn made around the 1950's.
The decal would have probably come from Britain.
I have one of those plates with a pink rose and on the back it is stamped Sylvia Rose.
Does yours have any stamps on the back?

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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what is this rose? Empty Re: what is this rose?

Post  Ev Tue 22 Mar - 15:11

It looks like you have chosen the 'Thumbnail' option when you loaded your pic mumof1 ....
Did you upload using servimg? If so choose the middle option when you go to upload... forget what it's titled ... perhaps for Blogs/Forums?

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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what is this rose? Empty Re: what is this rose?

Post  mumof1 Tue 22 Mar - 15:26

There is no name on the back of this one, the rose seems different from other CL as it has a short stem, possibly it did come from Britain, and that could be why.

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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what is this rose? Empty Re: what is this rose?

Post  mumof1 Tue 22 Mar - 15:33

Ev wrote:It looks like you have chosen the 'Thumbnail' option when you loaded your pic mumof1 ....
Did you upload using servimg? If so choose the middle option when you go to upload... forget what it's titled ... perhaps for Blogs/Forums?
I used the 'host an image' button and perhaps did choose the thumbnail, will try again. Oops, when I choose the middle button, nothing happens, it goes back to the beginning. Will try something else.. [img]what is this rose? Dsc04512[/img]

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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what is this rose? Empty Re: what is this rose?

Post  mumof1 Tue 22 Mar - 15:35

mumof1 wrote:
Ev wrote:It looks like you have chosen the 'Thumbnail' option when you loaded your pic mumof1 ....
Did you upload using servimg? If so choose the middle option when you go to upload... forget what it's titled ... perhaps for Blogs/Forums?
I used the 'host an image' button and perhaps did choose the thumbnail, will try again. Oops, when I choose the middle button, nothing happens, it goes back to the beginning. Will try something else.. [img]what is this rose? Dsc04512[/img]
well, that worked. I copied the url from the middle button and then chose the image button, long way of doing it but it worked. Thanks so much

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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