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Shapes 611 and 311 from ynotbrich

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Shapes 611 and 311 from ynotbrich Empty Shapes 611 and 311 from ynotbrich

Post  Ev Tue 5 Apr - 11:20

ynotbrich kindly sent these photos for the Crown Lynn Shapes Gallery.

The 311 was first made in late 1963 for Owen Salisbury and is referred to as a roller cross flower pot in the modellers notes. There are several shapes in this series.
Shapes 611 and 311 from ynotbrich 31110

The 611 vase was first made in 1959. Later this was made with a new number 2103.
This vase has the number 2103 on the base, but as it's exactly the same as the 611 we will put it into the Shapes Gallery with the old number.
Shapes 611 and 311 from ynotbrich 61110

Number of posts : 17911
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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