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Decimal currency Empty Decimal currency

Post  TonyK Wed 25 May - 23:28

Decimal currency 00810

Decimal currency 00910

and its base:
Decimal currency 00411

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  Ev Thu 26 May - 9:27

Thanks so much Tony Smile
I haven't located the pattern number yet ... so will load it as is for the time being.

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Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  unouwanit Wed 30 Sep - 18:03

Greetings all.

I have a dilemna. These have been on my hit list in terms of getting a full set for keeps. However until recently I thought these only came in Black Ink, as were the two I had collected with matching Black Col Glaze Saucers.

This week I was the winner of a trademe auction, for a full set of 6. Stoked, finally tick those off my wishlist.


They have arrived and I am certain the ones I have brought are a Green Ink such as shown in the phots above.

I had no idea these came in more than one colour way, so this leads me to question, are there more?

Attaching pic of my very certain Black Ink:
Decimal currency Decima10


Number of posts : 119
Location : Hawkes Bay
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  Ev Wed 30 Sep - 18:44

I was very pleased to see that you won that Decimal Cup Set Uno Very Happy
I have only ever seen these in the green like the one TonyK had.
Perhaps Google can help find if there are any other colours ....

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 1 Oct - 0:22

I'm pretty sure Jim has two colours but I think the same black and green.
Will check next week when I'm back in Whangarei.

Edit 15/10/25
I checked with Jim today: black and green are the only colours he has.

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Thu 15 Oct - 20:59; edited 1 time in total
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

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Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  JanPots Thu 1 Oct - 8:32

I too have only seen it in the 2 colours.
I thing its great when "sets stay as a set" although storage space gets limited  Razz speaking from experience...
I keep searching and one day... one will make its way to my collection :O)

Number of posts : 2160
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Decimal currency Empty Ben

Post  unouwanit Mon 28 Nov - 9:24

Ben I know you expressed interest in having one of these duos, I have moved and cleared out my emails and lost yours along the way. We've come to realise we need to clear out some more of my treasures and have decided finally to break up the 6.

I have one listed on TM but I have one set aside for you should you still want one.



Number of posts : 119
Location : Hawkes Bay
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  JanPots Mon 28 Nov - 11:33

I am quietly hoping to get one on TM too. Granga sold one the other day and has listed another.
I am still collecting those 3012 shaped cups.  Conifer pattern is another I am looking for. ..
Uno .. is that Ben from Rorotua? I might have his email address. Let me know and I'll have a look

Number of posts : 2160
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  unouwanit Mon 28 Nov - 11:47

Hi Jan

Yes I think he is over that way, I have gone through my emails from the last year and found him so have flicked off an email offer.

Do you want a green ink one Jan? I have another that isn't listed and not the one I offered to Ben. It does have crazing, and on inspection it has a 2-3mm hairline to the rim. Let me know if you are interested. Ideally I would like $20 because that's what it cost me but no stress if you want to wait for one that's mint.



Number of posts : 119
Location : Hawkes Bay
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  JanPots Mon 28 Nov - 17:23

Good that you found the email address.
Thank you for the offer, but I will pass for now.
See how I go on TM 😀
I keep meaning to stop buying stuff.. but I have no willpower hahaha


Number of posts : 2160
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Decimal currency Empty Re: Decimal currency

Post  unouwanit Mon 28 Nov - 17:35

No worries Very Happy


Number of posts : 119
Location : Hawkes Bay
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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