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Crown Lynn Multiple Monogrammed Plate

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Crown Lynn Multiple Monogrammed Plate Empty Crown Lynn Multiple Monogrammed Plate

Post  Ducks Nuts Fri 29 Jul - 21:36

I recently found this Crown Lynn plate, I found it rather interesting and I wonder if anyone here would know any details about it, some history perhaps?

I assume it is a 'test piece' from the factory, perhaps it was used to test the monogrammes or maybe glazing? The monogrammes are rather unevenly placed around the plate and a double up on one of them. someone may know?

I believe this backstamp suggests it is circa 1948, so would be a very early Crown Lynn piece, and the Kiwi stamp?

Is this piece rare? In my short time collecting Crown Lynn I have not come across another one. I would love to hear some feedback from the experts!

the monogrammes are:

NZ Railway Refreshment Rooms
Hancocks Hotels
Nibble Nook - a Health Spot
NZ Returned Services Association
R Greer & Son. Ponsonby
BP Hospital Board Whakatane
Whau Valley Golf Club Inc
Anchor Shipping & Foundry Company Limited Nelson
M Tauranga

Crown Lynn Multiple Monogrammed Plate 048
Crown Lynn Multiple Monogrammed Plate 046[img][/img]
Ducks Nuts
Ducks Nuts

Number of posts : 100
Registration date : 2011-07-18

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Crown Lynn Multiple Monogrammed Plate Empty Re: Crown Lynn Multiple Monogrammed Plate

Post  Ev Sat 30 Jul - 17:45

Owwww I've never seen the Kiwi backstamp before bounce
I think that should go into the Crown Lynn Backstamps Gallery if that ok with you Ducky Smile
I've seen these plates listed on TradeMe as salesmen samples, showing the different styles and colours of the monogrammes for the customer to see and choose from. Crown Lynn made copious amounts of monogrammed ware, so I guess the sales pitch worked well Wink

Number of posts : 18018
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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