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Blue Band Pat.No.211
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Re: Blue Band Pat.No.211
fi sent this photo of Blue Band Pat No 211 and it doesn't look like it's on the Forma shape like Jonno's .....? I will check to see what shape it is.
Re: Blue Band Pat.No.211
I saw a Blue Band saucer today in 805 shape (that had been paired with a tango blue 3019 cup) so maybe fi's plate is a coupe.
Jeremy Ashford- Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11
Blue Band 211
I have been meaning to say ( for ages) that the 'forma cup' trio/blue band on the gallery photo, is not reflecting the "true BlueBand 211" pattern/shape. It looks like a mixture of BB Blue band 211 and forma saucer & cup
Its the coupe shape, as I have BB plate and I saw a saucer in an collectable shop (805)
recently on TM there was a 3019 white cup with horizontal blue bands to look like Cornish ware, teamed up with the coupe shape.
I think it would look less confusing if we change the image to Fi's one attached.
Votes ... yay or Nah ?
The add the 'Blue banded forma cup and saucer' as a separate pattern edits.. its already added in the no names gallery
Its the coupe shape, as I have BB plate and I saw a saucer in an collectable shop (805)
recently on TM there was a 3019 white cup with horizontal blue bands to look like Cornish ware, teamed up with the coupe shape.
I think it would look less confusing if we change the image to Fi's one attached.
Votes ... yay or Nah ?
The add the 'Blue banded forma cup and saucer' as a separate pattern edits.. its already added in the no names gallery
JanPots- Number of posts : 2155
Registration date : 2012-05-10
Re: Blue Band Pat.No.211
Janice I'm at work and can't think straight, but please do whatever you think is necessary to rectify this.
Moved some images around - Blue Band
I uploaded Blue Band 211 into the main gallery and moved Johnno's Forma cup stack into the no names - next to the blue rimmed saucer.
JanPots- Number of posts : 2155
Registration date : 2012-05-10
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