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P.4. Vase and P.6

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P.4. Vase and  P.6 Empty P.4. Vase and P.6

Post  mumof1 Mon 7 Nov - 13:43

P.4. Vase and  P.6 Dsc06110
I was sure Crown Lynn did this shape, but of course I was thinking of the #99.
P.4. Vase and  P.6 Dsc06111
This has got to be Titian, just 'feels' like a Crown Lynn, even when comparing to my other similar vases, and the sizing is right too. Lovely wee vase.  sunny

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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P.4. Vase and  P.6 Empty Re: P.4. Vase and P.6

Post  TonyK Mon 7 Nov - 14:46

During discussions at the opening weekend of the Crown Lynn show in Auckland it became clear that Crown Lynn modellers also worked at Titian - before Titian was partially or completely owned by Crown Lynn. I suspect that this was without Tom Clark's knowledge or consent.

Titian always had a focus on decorative ware and I think this was a conscious policy of Cam Brown's to avoid competing with Crown Lynn. There are Titian shapes that are very similar to Crown Lynn shapes of the same era - possibly because both were designed by the same modeller. I think Titian consistently produced pieces that Crown Lynn couldn't or wouldn't have made.

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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P.4. Vase and  P.6 Empty Re: P.4. Vase and P.6

Post  Ev Mon 7 Nov - 18:10

Not sure what P stands for ..... Mr Presley who Titian seemed to make a lot of wares for perhaps?
I will put this into the Titian Gallery ..... when I get a chance .... for now Smile

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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P.4. Vase and  P.6 Empty And now a P6 as well

Post  mumof1 Fri 2 Dec - 12:07

P.4. Vase and  P.6 Dsc06410
This is the same as the P4, just 1 1/2 times the size.
P.4. Vase and  P.6 Dsc06411
nice and blurry so no-one can read it!! Bases are too hard to photograph sometimes! sunny

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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