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Crown Lynn in Australia

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Crown Lynn in Australia Empty Crown Lynn in Australia

Post  mumof1 Fri 17 Feb - 22:22

In Valerie Monk's book, it says that during the war almost half the factory production was sent over to Australia. Does anyone know if they were the same patterns that we had here, or were there some patterns sent over there that we did not get on the market here?

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Crown Lynn in Australia Empty Re: Crown Lynn in Australia

Post  Ev Sat 18 Feb - 18:16

Can you give me the page number please sunshine?
Export was the driving force behind Crown Lynn.
I've heard many times that the world got the best they made and New Zealand got the second best Razz
People come to this site from all over the world because of the Crown Lynn name -
check out the globe ! Most of those red dots are from Crown Lynn searches on the internet.
The tableware notes from the 1960's from the Museum show many exported wares.
All of the patterns were the same as we have here - except for the monogrammed ware that was made especially for the client.... mainly in Australia.
Although during the war years they would have been Ambrico wouldn't they?

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Crown Lynn in Australia Empty Re: Crown Lynn in Australia

Post  mumof1 Sat 18 Feb - 20:38

My copy is a new one, but on page 18, headed Wartime Growth, first paragraph. I ask because I noticed some patterns on e-bay Australia that I have never seen, nor heard of before, and I wondered if we also had them here, or if by chance they were only sent over there. I thought if almost half went over, it would be possible for them to do one run of a pattern, and then pack it up for export, and none be kept out for us. Sad
Please don't spend too much time on it, I was just wondering as I was reading.

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Crown Lynn in Australia Empty re Crown Lynn in Australia

Post  Jonno Sat 18 Feb - 20:43

Page 85 and page 125 of Monk give a fairly good account of the exports and the countries that they were exported to. Australia seems to have been the biggest single market.
Generally the designs were common to the NZ Market and export with some exceptions as I understand it.
The second best for the local market story is hard to believe in my opinion, buyers at DIC, Milne & Choyce, The Farmers, Kirkcaldie & Stains, Arthur Barnetts and H&J Smith would have scotched that sort of malarkey in a moment. Remember, that from 1948 once imports were possible again CL were competing with the world for business.

Number of posts : 662
Location : Milford,Auckland
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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