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Geometric Forma 340

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Geometric Forma 340 Empty Crown Lynn Forma 340

Post  Ruth Fri 30 Jul - 15:21


I happened to blunder upon this message board after having been gifted some oldish dishware. An elderly great aunt offered my mom the said dishes, she had no need for them but said I would since I haven't ever bought a set of dishes for myself. Both mom and I where curious and noted the stamp on the back of at least the dinner plates where marked with Crown Lynn Forma Geometric 340...

I haven't found a pattern that matches my own here on New Zealand Pottery nor have I found it in any of my google searches. I thought I'd just leave a message here, I can take and upload some pictures if anyone would be interested. I just found it interesting that New Zealand based cermamics have found their way to the North East US, was the company widespread?



Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2010-07-30

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Geometric Forma 340 Empty Re: Geometric Forma 340

Post  HeatherT Fri 30 Jul - 23:04

Hi Ruth,

We are delighted you stumbled across our site! Yes, please do take a photo of your pattern and we would love to post it here in the gallery of tableware patterns.

Crown Lynn exported considerably particularly in the 70s when your particular dinner set was probably made. We have lots of notes of the patterns but it is a huge undertaking to get samples of the actual plates.

Look forward to seeing your dishes!!

Heather Very Happy

Number of posts : 873
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Interests: : Crown Lynn animals, swans and vases
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Geometric Forma 340 Empty Geometric Forma 340

Post  TonyK Wed 4 Aug - 1:20

Hi Ruth

I found out this evening that Crown Lynn applied to register a federal trademark for their Kelston brand with the US Patent and Trademark Office on February 07, 1972. Registration was dated August 14, 1973 and the goods covered by it were "dinnerware, teaware, coffeeware and tableware, made of procelain, earthenware, ironstone and ceramic materials; ceramic beakers, jugs, basins, chambers and mixing bowls."

I don't know what "chambers" refers to but the other products cover most of the Crown Lynn domestic range. This may suggest an intention to export in quantity.

There were also ranges styled by Californian glassware artist Dorothy C. Thorpe for the US market. These include Pine, Monterrey, Palm Springs, Brocade, Laguna and Santa Barbara.

Crown Lynn also had co-production arrangements with overseas potteries including Canada. The only product I know of that resulted were a set of plates with Norman Rockwell illustrations on them.


Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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