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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyToday at 9:02 by Ev

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyWed 22 Jan - 16:57 by Ev

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyWed 22 Jan - 13:32 by mumof1

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyMon 20 Jan - 16:06 by Ev

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyMon 20 Jan - 9:45 by Russellk

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyFri 17 Jan - 10:41 by mumof1

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 17:01 by Melita

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 16:55 by Cyd

» Star Dust Pat.No.498
I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 9:20 by Melita

I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!!

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! Empty I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!!

Post  mumof1 Mon 2 Apr - 15:24

I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! Dsc00610
nice bowl with flat base, but no number, and I can't find it in the gallery
I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! Dsc00516
partial stamp, sorry camera is playing up. Does anyone know the number?

Last edited by mumof1 on Mon 17 Mar - 9:43; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 2378
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! Empty Re: I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!!

Post  mrnarna Mon 2 Apr - 16:09

ooo I have one of these and mine is tiki three star

no number on it though

Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!! Empty Re: I've got it, but what number is it? It is a 497 flower pot base!!

Post  mumof1 Mon 17 Mar - 9:45

Thanks to Val sending us a copy of the bulb bowls and flower pots pamphlet, we have identified this as a 497 shape.

Number of posts : 2378
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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