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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! EmptyToday at 10:41 by mumof1

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! EmptyYesterday at 17:01 by Melita

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! EmptyMon 13 Jan - 0:16 by jamiehatchard

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:43 by Ev

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:28 by Ev

I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!!

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! Empty I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!!

Post  Ev Thu 5 Apr - 14:05

Gosh this is lovely, glazed in that old soft green glaze and the bright yellow on the inside! A decent size too for a vase, though I won't be using it for a vase as it has a couple of cracks. Thank you sunshine for alerting me to this auction Wink

I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! 8810

I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! 88_bas10

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! Empty Re: I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!!

Post  mumof1 Thu 5 Apr - 21:05

Most welcome ! Was going to bid myself, but it's in the gallery now, so that's all that counts. Will have a couple more for you from my on-line buys soon too, just as soon as they arrive after Easter. Good luck with the Frank Carpay book too, I will get the next one!! sunny

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!! Empty Re: I'm thrilled with the shape 88 !!!!

Post  Ev Fri 6 Apr - 7:21

Thanks, the 88 is rarely seen on TM, so it was important to me to get that vase.
There was a time when there were plenty of listings for the Frank Carpay book, but now they are rarely seen! I will only go so far and won't get into a bidding war Wink

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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