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Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery

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Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery Empty Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery

Post  Jonno Fri 25 May - 13:15

Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery Jug_8410Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery Bs_84910

I was fortunate to score an 849-0 above and a 849-2 both in Fashion Rose #750 in perfect order and I still hav my pinkies on both hands, (quite important for a trumpet player).
On a more serious note I was puzzled to see that the smaller version which I have several versions of has a different shape number 881, here are all 3
for comparison purposes. Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery Img_2112

Number of posts : 662
Location : Milford,Auckland
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery Empty Re: Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery

Post  Ev Fri 25 May - 19:56

I have a soft spot for Fashion Rose, as that was our first dinner set I love you
Replaced it with the more modern and earthy Herald in the 1980's Wink
Just going to add the Museum pics with details of the 849 and 881 for you Jonno ... only thumbnails, but you should be able to see them ok ...
Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery 849_0_10
Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery 88110

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery Empty re Re: Shape 849-0 for the shape gallery

Post  Jonno Sat 26 May - 20:15

Thanks for that Ev,
Now I get it, took a little while, so my 881 jugs are in fact the same as 849-1 that is they measure 3" high and all my 881's do just that. Maybe they never produced a jug marked 849-1?? or did they?

Number of posts : 662
Location : Milford,Auckland
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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