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Various for the gallery including Orient d400 EmptyToday at 12:31 by Ev

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Various for the gallery including Orient d400

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Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Empty Various for the gallery including Orient d400

Post  Cat-a-lat Fri 25 May - 20:33

Apologies if I'm doubling up on anything, here are a few I photographed today from my collection:

Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00217
Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00215

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Empty Re: Various for the gallery including Orient d400

Post  Ev Fri 25 May - 20:41

Cheers as we don't have that pattern Cat cheers

Number of posts : 18008
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Empty Re: Various for the gallery including Orient d400

Post  Cat-a-lat Fri 25 May - 20:42

Oops hit the send button before I was finished... will carry on lol... two wines down...

It's quite a lot like Shibui isn't it? By pattern number it precedes it ;

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Empty Re: Various for the gallery including Orient d400

Post  Cat-a-lat Fri 25 May - 21:18

a clear pic of the Sonata backstamp:

Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00218

this one isn't in the backstamp gallery...

Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00219

Clematis backstamp:
Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00220

Albany (brown) backstamp
Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00225

Wild Wheat backstamp:

Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00223

Whimsey backstamp - I note that this is different to the Whimsey backstamp already posted:
Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00224

Blue willow backstamp:
Various for the gallery including Orient d400 Dsc00227

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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