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Another I cant Identify Tea Pot

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Another I cant Identify Tea Pot Empty Another I cant Identify Tea Pot

Post  paul_nz Mon 11 Jun - 16:30

Cute Tea pot I cant find in my references hoping someone with fresh eyes can help, it could either read HM or WH ?
Cheers Paul
Another I cant Identify Tea Pot Dscf1818
Another I cant Identify Tea Pot Dscf1819
Another I cant Identify Tea Pot Dscf1821
Another I cant Identify Tea Pot Dscf1822


Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2012-02-16

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Another I cant Identify Tea Pot Empty Re: Another I cant Identify Tea Pot

Post  Ev Mon 11 Jun - 20:46

My word that is an unusual handle - coming off the rim like it does !!
HM is the better looking of the two to me .....

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Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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