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Samarcand d539

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Samarcand d539 Empty Samarcand d539

Post  Ev Mon 27 Aug - 11:37

It was great to find this pattern at the Antiques Fair !

Samarcand d539 Sarmac11

and the blurry backstamp
Samarcand d539 Samarc10

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Samarcand d539 Empty re Samarcand d539

Post  Jonno Mon 27 Aug - 14:48

Now that is an interesting design and even more interesting is the spelling as I always thought it was spelt with a 'K' ie Samerkand. but then why would Crown Lynn be put off by me?? Situated on the old Silk route across to Europe from China:D Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Last edited by Jonno on Mon 27 Aug - 14:49; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling erroe)

Number of posts : 662
Location : Milford,Auckland
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Samarcand d539 Empty Re: Samarcand d539

Post  Cat-a-lat Mon 27 Aug - 15:11

I thought the exact same thing re the spelling! Maybe they were being creative Very Happy

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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Samarcand d539 Empty Re: Samarcand d539

Post  Ev Sun 2 Sep - 15:18

Just updating the Patterns Database and noticed -
Samarkand - d236 Laughing

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Samarcand d539 Empty re Re: Samarcand d539

Post  Jonno Sun 2 Sep - 16:51

So change the spelling and change the number, I am presuming that they are two different designs ?

Number of posts : 662
Location : Milford,Auckland
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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