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Is this a beehive bowl

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Is this a beehive bowl Empty Is this a beehive bowl

Post  Glenys Wed 28 Nov - 17:41

Bought recently
Is this a beehive bowl Img_9412

Is this a beehive bowl Img_9413


Number of posts : 337
Registration date : 2012-08-29

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Is this a beehive bowl Empty re Is this a beehive bowl

Post  Jonno Wed 28 Nov - 21:09

Looks very certainly to be an early Crown Lynn mixing bowl referred to as Beehive Bowls and the back stamp is an early version as far as I can determine.
The colour of the clay body seems to be quite yellow in your photo which which also suggest that this is an early piece possibly 1940's.

Last edited by Jonno on Wed 28 Nov - 21:12; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add comment about clay body)

Number of posts : 662
Location : Milford,Auckland
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Is this a beehive bowl Empty Re: Is this a beehive bowl

Post  Glenys Wed 28 Nov - 21:22

The colour is fairly accurate, creamy colour. And yes, the stamp looks like a smudged version of the old 1940's one.


Number of posts : 337
Registration date : 2012-08-29

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