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Op shop find - drip glaze

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Op shop find - drip glaze Empty Op shop find - drip glaze

Post  kiwi2768 Mon 1 Jul - 21:06

Another suburban Perth op shop find.  Only the sugar bowl is missing.  In the same shop I found several pieces of "Interlude", of which I have posted pics on another thread.  Until I get another cabinet I don't have any space to display either this or the Interlude.  It is all safely put away in a box. I'm wondering, since it was all in the same shop, whether someone has given the contents of a house to charity after a loved older family member went into care or passed away.

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Op shop find - drip glaze 015


Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2012-06-26

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Op shop find - drip glaze Empty Op shop find - drip glaze

Post  haselnuss Tue 2 Jul - 10:50

I noticed the kiwi Made in NZ sticker. Did Titian add it on to pottery for export?
I saw an unmarked, tall, sitting pottery cat with the same sticker and wondered at the time if it could have been made by Aquila?

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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Op shop find - drip glaze Empty Op shop find

Post  dollcrown Tue 2 Jul - 12:54

Sorry, looking at wrong coffee set. My Aquila set is different. Apologies.


Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2011-01-09

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