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Titian goose

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Titian goose Empty Titian goose

Post  dollcrown Tue 1 Oct - 20:17

Titian goose Goose_10Titian goose Goose_12

A Titian Studios white goose with C.T.B. painted under the glaze.


Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2011-01-09

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  Ev Tue 1 Oct - 20:21

Wow!!! Very Happy

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  Kat & Co. Wed 2 Oct - 18:45

do you think many of these were made?
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  dollcrown Wed 2 Oct - 21:53

This is the first one I had come across, but haselnuss has one as his avatar on the member list. I think that one is a translucent porcelain piece, as photographed in Gail Henry's book.


Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2011-01-09

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  haselnuss Thu 3 Oct - 0:56

Hello, My goose is also white and has white grass not green. It has CB incised underneath. Manos also has a few geese in different colours.

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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Titian goose Empty ?

Post  peters Thu 3 Oct - 6:50

Goose or Swan? To me this is Swan all over. ev - can you shed any light given your recent travels????


Number of posts : 90
Location : Auckland
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  Ev Thu 3 Oct - 8:59

Hmmm even after checking google images, I can't tell which this is. Gail Henry calls it a goose on page 12 of the photos in her book. Though I can't find a goose listed in the list of products, but there are two swans and a duck .....

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 3 Oct - 11:23

Hhmmm..So.. I thought I'd better go down the Op shop & buy that bird that's been sitting there for about 4 mths..Laughing hes got a couple of wing tips missing & is orange rather than yellow.
 Titian goose Titian10
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  Ev Thu 3 Oct - 11:33

Great spotting Kat Laughing 
Does it have any base markings?
As the ones above vary ..... I would like to see a letter and a number please Smile

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 3 Oct - 11:50

I was hoping too & I waited till my neighbour was with me to peel off green felt stuck to rim but no.. nothing just the recessed base & 
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  dollcrown Thu 3 Oct - 14:47

Be quite happy to call it a swan.

Kat & Co., i would be tempted to glue the old green beige back on, as most of my lamp bases have it underneath, and I believe could have been put on when made.
Also, the beak and feet on mine is more orange than the photo shows.


Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2011-01-09

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Titian goose Empty Re: Titian goose

Post  peters Thu 3 Oct - 17:26

I want one now!


Number of posts : 90
Location : Auckland
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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Titian goose Empty Titian goose

Post  haselnuss Sun 27 Oct - 14:11

Most if not all of my Aquila animals are umarked. They all have the hand cut hole underneath, most still have the green felt and some the Aquila sticker.

I was so happy when I noticed that the swan/goose had the CB initials incised.

The Titian animals I own are mostly marked with letters and numbers or with Titian Studio.

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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