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Post  mumof1 Sun 6 Oct - 15:40

Grant Hudson Dsc07810
At our local little market today, while getting the veges, I met a lovely woman who was selling some great pottery on behalf of her father. She said he has been potting for years, and had once met Len Castle, and this had vasting influenced him ever since. Remarkably, it was the style of the pieces that attracted me, and I commented how the pieces reminded me of Lens crater bowls, and she agreed and so the conversation started. This is a quite large bowl and very well made,
Grant Hudson Dsc07811
and 4 smaller bowls, all different, but in the same style.
Grant Hudson Dsc07812
Grant Hudson has 2 marks, one for domestic ware likes bowls etc above
Grant Hudson Dsc07813
this one on the crater bowls, which isn't very clear
Grant Hudson Dsc07814
and this one, which is the same, but a clearer version on plain clay

Number of posts : 2378
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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