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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Empty Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

Post  Glenys Sat 19 Oct - 16:50

I have 2 cups the same as my cups for Dorothy Thorpe Palm Springs but in a grey/fawn colour. They only have Made in New Zealand on the base.
Anyone have any ideas on what set they belong to?


Number of posts : 337
Registration date : 2012-08-29

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Empty Re: Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

Post  Ducks Nuts Sat 19 Oct - 18:08

Pics please!
Ducks Nuts
Ducks Nuts

Number of posts : 100
Registration date : 2011-07-18

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Empty Re: Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

Post  Glenys Sat 19 Oct - 20:03

I live with mobile broadband! Enough said. When I am able to check that I have enough KBs to send a pic I will but I'll have problems getting the colour correct. I might put it alongside a Palm Springs one. It definitely isn't Pine.


Number of posts : 337
Registration date : 2012-08-29

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Empty Re: Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

Post  Ducks Nuts Sat 19 Oct - 20:10

No it's not a DT cup, but I'm thinking its Yucatan or something similar.
Ducks Nuts
Ducks Nuts

Number of posts : 100
Registration date : 2011-07-18

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Empty Re: Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

Post  Glenys Sun 22 Dec - 18:45

At long last a usable photo.
The cup is standing on a white box and the wall behind is pale grey. The cup in front is closest to the real colour. It's matt, not grey but not fawn! scratch The cup style and matt finish is the same as that of the DT Palm Springs cups I used to have.
Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Img_2510

Last edited by Glenys on Sun 22 Dec - 18:50; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : additions)


Number of posts : 337
Registration date : 2012-08-29

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Empty Re: Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

Post  Ducks Nuts Sun 22 Dec - 19:00

These cups belong to the Crown Lynn Yucatan dinnerware range.
Ducks Nuts
Ducks Nuts

Number of posts : 100
Registration date : 2011-07-18

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Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt Empty Re: Shape 25 in grey/ fawn matt

Post  Glenys Mon 23 Dec - 9:36

excellent, thank you!
now i'll look for Yucatan saucers!


Number of posts : 337
Registration date : 2012-08-29

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