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» Shape 15 in use
Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! EmptySat 30 Nov - 11:03 by Ev

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! EmptyThu 28 Nov - 12:47 by Ev

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! EmptyTue 26 Nov - 15:24 by Ev

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! EmptyTue 26 Nov - 15:19 by Ev

Can anyone id this vase please? Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico!

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! Empty Can anyone id this vase please? Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico!

Post  Thelma Sat 19 Oct - 18:17

Hi, I was browsing at the local A & P show today and saw this vase with temuka sticker on it, as usual I turned it over and saw the mark that looks more like CL. Anyway, I bought it, has a lot of crazing but is otherwise intact, have not cleaned it yet but magnifying glass examination shows that a lot of marks are just dirt.
height 185 width approx 120

Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! Img_6610

Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! Img_6611

Last edited by Ev on Fri 26 Dec - 16:11; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : forgot to add size)

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! Empty Re: Can anyone id this vase please? Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico!

Post  Ev Sat 19 Oct - 18:19

That's a great find Thelma .... it's an old Ambrico shape 27 cheers

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Can anyone id this vase please?  Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico! Empty Re: Can anyone id this vase please? Yes it's early Crown Lynn Ambrico!

Post  Thelma Sat 19 Oct - 18:24

Hey, thanks Ev. Very Happy What care should I take to clean it please, I know hot water is no good for crazing. Cannot believe my luck!

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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