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Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !!

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Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !! Empty Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !!

Post  JanPots Mon 21 Oct - 18:06

What do you make of this? It came to me via TM as a C/Lynn plate with a selection of others.. It has no markings- It does look like an older plate, but I am unsure as to it being Crown Lynn. Its a lunch size plate
Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !! Lunch_12

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !! Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !!

Post  Ev Mon 21 Oct - 18:09

Man that hurts my eyes Cool 
Does it 'feel' right? I've never seen that pattern so I will sit on the fence hahaa

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Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !! Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !!

Post  Maryr Mon 21 Oct - 18:11

Pattern looks wrong for the shape of the plate... But yes the million dollar question - does it feel right? Could it be a hobby ceramics type effort?

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Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !! Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !!

Post  JanPots Mon 21 Oct - 18:17

umm.. I would have to find it in the stash to figure if it "feels right " Imagine carrots, peas and a sunday roast your eyes would be all over the place... What a Face Its not one of my favourites hehehe

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !! Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !!

Post  Ducks Nuts Fri 25 Oct - 10:37

I don't think its Crown Lynn, just doesn't look like Crown Lynn to me.
Ducks Nuts
Ducks Nuts

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Registration date : 2011-07-18

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Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !! Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn-- Votes start now !!

Post  JanPots Fri 25 Oct - 11:00

I got it on Trademe years ago and asked the question.. I was Assured that it was Crown lynn! jipped me thinks hehehe

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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