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Dinner Sets

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Dinner Sets Empty Dinner Sets

Post  Vickyo Sat 16 Nov - 12:06

Any one out there know where I could get pricing for a Sapphire Dinner set that my sister is trying to sell this is a 40 piece she says includes 2 vegetable dishes with lids 2 serving dishes gravy dish jug,milk jug,cream jug sugar bowl thanks Patricia


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2013-11-16

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Dinner Sets Empty Re: Dinner Sets

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 17 Nov - 0:37

check out trademe (search "sapphire" in "Crown Lynn" or just "sapphire crown lynn").
If you want to see recent auctions that have actually sold I think you have to google these days (search trademe sapphire crown lynn), but you will only get the prices for quite recent auctions.
Check out what people are asking today and compare what they have for sale with the items your sister has.
You don't see the lidded vegetable dishes very often so it might pay to try and break the set for sale, sell them separately.
It really depends on how much of a hurry your sister is in. If she sells the lot together that may mean a high postage price which can be daunting for a buyer, or dropping your price expectations for a "pick-up only" auction.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Dinner Sets Empty Re: Dinner Sets

Post  Ev Sun 17 Nov - 6:48

I have seen some Crown Lynn dinner sets sell for over $300 .......
Here are some dinner sets that are listed now on TradeMe to give you some idea -

These are from Expired listings -


Number of posts : 18010
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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