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Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200

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Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Empty Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200

Post  Maryr Tue 19 Nov - 16:45

I am digging thru my boxes.. what to keep, what not to keep? Anyway. Here are three that I don't think we have in the gallery.
Sierra Glow 454 (in my second book)
Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Z_sier10

Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Z_sier11

Featherdrift - can't read number, a pity
Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Z_feat10

Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Z_feat11
And from the mid to late 1980s, Rosewood 54200. I used to despise this pattern (cheap imported look to it) but it has grown on me.
Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Z_rose13

Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Z_rose14

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Empty Re: Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200

Post  Ev Tue 19 Nov - 18:33

Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Sierra Glow was the first thing I noticed when I thumbed through your new book ..... I hadn't seen it before. Thank you Thank you!!

Oh I like Feather Drift and checked the database to find it's number ..... 697 Smile

I have Rosewood in my crockery cupboard ..... [other half's 2nd least favourite]
I can find a pic in the Gallery but I can't find a topic ..... so I will add the pattern name to the title of this thread along with the others so it will be searchable on here and on the www.
Thanks so much cheers

Number of posts : 18053
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200 Empty Re: Sierra Glow Pat.No.454 Featherdrift 697 and Rosewood d54200

Post  Ev Sun 11 Dec - 11:20

Featherdrift is in a 1962 Price Catalogue along with heaps of others I love you

Number of posts : 18053
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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