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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyToday at 9:02 by Ev

» Christopher Peter Clouston
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyYesterday at 13:45 by aurelipa

» Another mystery mark. Pottery ID
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyYesterday at 10:14 by JanPots

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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyYesterday at 8:06 by Ev

» Heritage in Blue
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyYesterday at 7:49 by JanPots

» Kelston Potteries No Name Pink Rose
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyFri 6 Sep - 18:25 by Ev

» Lynndale Ware Backstamp
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyFri 6 Sep - 9:40 by Ev

» Who made this platter? Does anyone know
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyThu 5 Sep - 18:19 by JanPots

» Is this a stork or a crane perhaps?
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern EmptyThu 5 Sep - 17:12 by CrownPrince

Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern

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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern Empty Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern

Post  Maryr Wed 4 Dec - 8:02

Ev I am not sure whether these are on the gallery or not... I have looked but it gets a bit mind boggling!  Apologies for different sizes of pics, I am still coming to grips with sizing.

This is Sierra Pine on an odd speckly background. The base is completely unmarked - I am wondering if it was one of the surplus biscuit ware items from the warehouse that got rather random decorations before being sold in the seconds shops? 
 Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern X_sier10

These are two geometrics - same theme, slight differences. Both marked Genuine Ironstone.  They are both dinner plates.

Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern X_plat20

Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern X_plat22

Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern X_plat21

And this is a bread and butter plate marked Apollo decorated with those random flowers they went in for.

Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern X_plat23

Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern X_plat24

Number of posts : 1992
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern Empty Re: Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern

Post  Ev Wed 4 Dec - 8:13

Thanks, the last two are in the No Names Gallery and I will pop the first two in there as well. The one like Sierra Pine, will have another name with that background which I don't think I've seen. Of course it could be from a trial run perhaps, but it's great to have a record even if we don't have a name.
The Patterns Gallery is overwhelming to look through now, even for me and it's only going to get worse. But as a reference resource it is amazing!

Number of posts : 17911
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern Empty Re: Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern

Post  JanPots Sun 5 Jan - 14:35

Hi Ev
This pattern comes up as Thames Brown, Zambia Brown and Zambia Blue.. I searched around and you had already noted these, unless you are unsure about something?
Thames Brown
Zambia Brown D226
I have a BB in blue D227
Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern 00113

Number of posts : 2149
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern Empty Re: Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern

Post  Ev Sun 5 Jan - 15:12

Phew, I agree that your blue coupe shape plate is Zambia Blue d227 cheers

Don't agree with the others.....
Thames Brown d153 is the rimmed shape ware and has 2 rows of that pattern more in the middle of the plate.
Zambia Brown d226 is the same as your Zambia Blue not like the one in the link to the No Names Gallery ...... as that has many more rows of pattern.

Yes I have found these very hard to identify, as shapes and rows of patterns abound ...... but finally we have your blue one Very Happy
If you see something that I don't ... please correct me as I must be blinded by all of these darn patterns.

Number of posts : 17911
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern Empty Re: Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern

Post  Maryr Sun 5 Jan - 16:25

I love the way they take one theme and turn it into so many different patterns by using different colours and adding bands etc. The blue is gorgeous, never seen it before.

Number of posts : 1992
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern Empty Re: Some odd ones more from my boxes Zambia Brown d226 + Thames Brown d153 + Zambia Blue d227 and another Sierra pine pattern

Post  Ev Sun 2 Nov - 10:57

Returning to the 2nd Geometric pattern in brown, this auction has helped by showing the patterns on each piece having various amounts of pattern on them.
I agree that this pattern is Zambia Brown d226 cheers

The 3rd Geometric pattern has to be Thames Brown d153 for the same reasons above and the fact that it has a Clover background, also it is on rimmed ware.  
Thanks Janice for your help here. cheers

Number of posts : 17911
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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