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Close look alike? 750 shape cup EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup EmptyThu 5 Dec - 6:30 by Ev

Close look alike? 750 shape cup

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  JanPots Wed 1 Jan - 10:59

Oh yeah... Happy New Year  Razz 
I got this cup the other day, I liked the pattern - no markings but its close to a 750 shape... the handle to me is not quite the same ? Its a really heavy cup, alas, I have no older cups to compare it with... Has anyone any thoughts in it? The pattern is not Crown lynn (I wouldn't have thought... maybe dutch??)
Close look alike? 750 shape cup Aa_no_10
This is a cut & paste from the shape gallery of shape 750 for comparison
Close look alike? 750 shape cup Aaa10

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Re: Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  Ev Wed 1 Jan - 11:18

It's great to have this on record, but I agree that the handle is different to the 750 in the gallery. There is a Museum pic of this somewhere which shows the handle to be similar though. I can't darn well find a copy and hope that Tony may be able to .....?
I haven't seen that pattern before, but that doesn't mean anything.


Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Re: Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  Ev Thu 2 Jan - 7:20

Tony has obliged and helped enormously, because having the cups altogether like that it is easier to pick them out regarding size and now I can identify those little Excella Ware cups as shape 773 cheers
Edits to say darn as there is no flick on the handle of the 773

Looking at this pic shows that the 750 and 802 are very similar ......?
802 is described as a breakfast cup
750 just says EW [earthenware] cup
Note the differences in the handles.

Hmmmm now I wonder if we have identified the 802 as a 750 arghhhhhh!!

I will post the Museum pic for a short time ....
Close look alike? 750 shape cup Cups_f10

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Re: Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  JanPots Thu 2 Jan - 8:27

It does make it easier when they are in a group ... the 802 looks shorter in height than the 750.. or just my eyesight this morning LOL? They both seem to have the same angle - Its hard to say without having the two Real versions side by side
The 832 I am leaning towards the fat-bum cup, the yellow check one that I posted the other day is slightly taller and has a "longer bit" on the handle where it sticks to the cup.
So the little demitasse cups that are on Trade-me, which are a smaller version of a "fat-bum" is that not a Crown-Lynn? or just a later date ie a four digit number maybe?
I knew trying to figure out the cups/mugs would be a challenge, I photographed all the different styles that I have, I got 32 different ones and that not including all the 700-800's
afterthought.. unless the stamps on the base are the clincher ...

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Re: Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  Ev Thu 2 Jan - 8:37

The cups have almost driven me insane over the years and I end up giving up after sweating over them.  It's great to have some company in this task as it inspires me onwards and upwards.  Now I have a cup like the 750, but it's definitely not a breakfast cup, it's more on the small side.  I will measure it and photograph it and we can compare them as I seem to recall the poster of what we have as the 750 cup saying that it was a decent size.  
By the way I've added descriptions to the cups in the 700 and 800 galleries to see if that helps .......
We really need a big poster showing all the cup shapes and their respective numbers to make this job easier heh.  I wonder if the Portage Trust has one?

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Re: Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  Ev Thu 2 Jan - 9:14

Perhaps this is the real 750 ....?

Close look alike? 750 shape cup 750_8010

75mm high
82mm across the top
52mm across the footring
45mm length of handle

How does this compare to your one in the top photo Janice?

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Re: Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  JanPots Thu 2 Jan - 9:58

I am convinced that mine is a "lookalike" the handle says it all.

75mm high *** mine same
82mm across the top *** mine 85mm
52mm across the footring *** mine same
45mm length of handle - *** mine 50mm

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Close look alike? 750 shape cup Empty Re: Close look alike? 750 shape cup

Post  Ev Thu 2 Jan - 11:01

I am convinced that this is the 750 shape .....
I just need a couple of people to agree with me please.
The 802 Breakfast Cup must be what we have called the 750 shape

Here is the original thread about the so called 750 shape .....

Lets not forget these important factors when it comes to cups ....
1.  There can be more than one size for each shape ....
2.  Earthenware and Vitrified ware in the same shape will have different numbers.
3.  Shapes and handles were mixed up and given new numbers, so variations abound.
4.  In 1964 all of the cups were given four digit numbers ..... sighs*
5. I know there are other things to look out for and will add them when my brain clears!

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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