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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... EmptyToday at 18:14 by JanPots

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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
Another Administrator has been knighted ...... EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Kat & Co.
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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... Empty Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Post  Ev Thu 9 Jan - 13:52

Congratulation to JanPots for accepting the challenge of a knighthood Very Happy
Her forte is Crown Lynn patterns and she has helped the site enormously since she joined.
Janice's enthusiasm is contagious and results in many mysteries and No Name patterns being resolved. Her professional attitude is priceless.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... Empty Re: Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Post  ambrosia Thu 9 Jan - 16:14

Congratulations Smile


Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2013-12-12

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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... Empty Re: Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 9 Jan - 16:34

Well done JanPots!  Cool 
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... Empty Re: Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Post  Thelma Thu 9 Jan - 22:01


Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... Empty Re: Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Post  Cat-a-lat Fri 10 Jan - 10:01

WooHoo!  queen

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... Empty Re: Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Post  mumof1 Fri 10 Jan - 15:01

Great news  :clap: 

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Another Administrator has been knighted ...... Empty Re: Another Administrator has been knighted ......

Post  JanPots Fri 10 Jan - 19:25

"Thank you all " for your votes of confidence  Very Happy Being part of the team is fun hehehehe
I had a trip to the BOP today, got a few photos of patterns to share, hopefully I will do that over the weekend... Janice

Number of posts : 2159
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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