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Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks

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Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks Empty Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks

Post  Ev Mon 20 Jan - 7:13

This is what Alan sent to the site:


I joined today in the hope I can find out more about a Crown Lynn vase I have.

It looks like an Ernest Shufflebotham (very similar style) and has the number 58 inscribed in the base next to the Crown Lynn logo.

I have attached a photo.

I’d be grateful if you or any of your colleagues could shed some light on this piece for me!

Kind regards,
Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks Alan_510

Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks Alan_511


Number of posts : 18048
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks Empty Re: Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks

Post  mumof1 Mon 20 Jan - 8:44

That is a lovely piece of hand potted Crown Lynn! Definitely made by Ernest Shufflebotham, and the same as my pale blue one in the hand potted gallery. I wonder how tall your one is Alan? It seems that most of the hand potted shapes came in 3 sizes, and mine is 195mm high, so I would be interested to know the height of yours  Very Happy 
Some information can be found here  sunny

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks Empty Re: Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks

Post  alan hucks Mon 20 Jan - 9:37

Hi thanks for that info. This vase is 23cm high and about 19cm wide at the middle. It has straight sides at the top 6cm tall. What is interesting also is the Crown Lynn logo that has a different font than usual when associated with a tiki. Also the inscription '58' is hand worked. I wonder if it is a limited series or first prototype?

alan hucks

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks Empty Re: Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks

Post  mumof1 Mon 20 Jan - 9:43

Most of the hand potted vases had a hand inscribed number on the base and a different stamp, usually incorporating the words hand potted or hand crafted (which was sometimes hand incised also). For more examples, you can either look up the images in the Hand Potted Gallery, or search Hand Potted in the search pane near the top right of the page.

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks Empty Re: Handpotted shape 58 from Alan Hucks

Post  mumof1 Mon 20 Jan - 9:57

These may help-

Some stamps

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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