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3038 cup discussion

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3038 cup discussion Empty 3038 cup discussion

Post  Ev Wed 22 Jan - 8:50

The cups do my head in they really do, but if we discuss them it may help.

At the moment we have this straight sided coffee can shape with the Apollo handle as the 3038.  I got this info from a photo of Harmony Buff d266 from the Museum .... 3038.
3038 cup discussion 303811

This is what the record says:
3038 - Similar to 3036 with 3056 Handle - [First made 12.9.75]

This is the 3056 - [First made 29.6.81]
3038 cup discussion 305610
And the records say:
3056 - Phillipine Bell cup (NZ) [I'm guessing on the word Phillipine]

The 3036 record reads: - [First made 10.12.74]
3036 - Straight sided mug (Paired with 3034)
3038 cup discussion 303610

The records for the 3034 say:
3034 - Fluted Base Mug with 3036 Handle - [First made 10.12 74]
which Janice and I have concluded is this mug ...
3038 cup discussion Dad_mu10

Perhaps the 3038 cup is the earthenware coffee can with the rounded handle like Captain Sharples?
3038 cup discussion Captai10
As it's definitely not Captain Sharples, here is Bellamay that looks like the right shape .....
3038 cup discussion Coffee12

Feedback please and I think this is going to work a treat bounce

Last edited by Ev on Wed 22 Jan - 11:05; edited 4 times in total

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  Kat & Co. Wed 22 Jan - 8:55

captain sharples sounds right shape but earthenware? is that correct?
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  Ev Wed 22 Jan - 9:05

All the records are either titled Earthenware or Vitrified Kat.  
Earthenware referring to the lower temperature clay used.  I get it Very Happy

Now I have to check the base on Captain Sharples to see if it's the same as the other can base!

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  Ev Wed 22 Jan - 9:53

Ok I was wrong re the Captain Sharples mug .... that has to be another shape, as it has the wrong base and is shorter.  It does have the matching handle, but the Bellamay coffee can looks correct cheers

3038 cup discussion Coffee10

3038 cup discussion Coffee11

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  JanPots Wed 22 Jan - 10:00

(P...d? with 3034) I read that as Paired

Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  Ev Wed 22 Jan - 10:36

I wondered and it makes sense so I will edit paired in.
As it's interesting to see when they were first made, I will also edit that in too.

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  JanPots Wed 22 Jan - 23:47

I feel I should explain .. All the cups/mugs are a mixture of one 'cup body' and another cups' handle.
From reading the notes, the cups shapes are a complete mix & match of all the cup/mug shapes, styles and cup-handle shapes.
In answer to your question Ev....
I have looked at this over and over and it does not make sense!
The photographs of the patterns (not just Harmony bluff but on others too) would conclude 3038 to have the same handle as the fluted (Apollo cup) ie whats in the gallery... However the description reads that its handle should look like 3056 which would be the Bellamy cup... too weird.  Rolling Eyes 
Then to add fuel to fire ... shape 3037 says "shortened 3036 with a 3019 handle"
So would that be that "special shape cup" you have? I can't remember exactly what the handle was like?
Still looking at the fluted base cup being 3034 as there another shape 3040 – which says fluted base coffee cup.  
I think if I search into it more, something will make sense and hopefully it will fall into place  Smile

Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 6 Feb - 10:42

I have just bought a banana box full of cups from the SPCA and am working my way throughout it with the aid of the galleries and the topics, so I am totally new to this cups discussion.
From what I see here it looks like the fluted base mug is the 3034 and the Bellamy's is the 3038. Is the Bellamy's the same shape as the blue cup/can here:

One of my new cups looks like the blue one, with it's very low slung handle but it looks as though the distance from top of handle to top of the cup is bigger.
I have not measured the cup so I'm wondering whether they were made in different heights ... or maybe my handle is particularly low slung.
(I'm on iPad so cannot post a photo at the moment.)
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  JanPots Thu 6 Feb - 12:12

The coffee can shape like all 4 cups on that post are usually the same height, or thereabouts... but all seem to have various shape of handle.
The museum notes say that 3038 looks like the blue one, but photos of the same description show the ones on the left.. so in lies the dilemma of which is which...
The handles on the left are the same as the Apollo cups, if that helps...
I might be keen to purchase some off you??? sounds like fun a whole box to go through  Very Happy 

Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 6 Feb - 13:32

Janice, I told fi the other day that I don't collect all sorts of cups but the box has made a liar of me. It had both types of "3038" in it so I guess I must have one.

I only bought it because it had a couple of Narvik tulips in it.

I did wonder about the wisdom of spending $5 on a box just for two cups out of fifty (about 40 CL @12.5c each!) but finding the Paris cup when I didn't even know what Paris was has turned Pandora's Banana Box into blessing: a new back stamp (impression) for the gallery is always a good thing.

Nothing else new so far but I'll keep at it. You won't need to "buy" anything, JanPots, if there is anything of use to you, but I did give Kat first dibs yesterday, and you know postage is the killer. Sending just one cup to you would be the same price as the whole box cost!

Have you found any other goodies for me btw; I've just replaced my photo of castware mugs at
I'm up to 60 now with the addition of two from Kat yesterday.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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3038 cup discussion Empty Five Cans sharing a Handle Shape

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 6 Feb - 20:22

Five Cans Sharing a Handle Shape.
The two vitrified, left, have finer handles...
The "3038", right, is heavier...
... than Arthur and Martha and Kelston, centre.
3038 cup discussion Handle11
3038 cup discussion Handle12
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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3038 cup discussion Empty Re: 3038 cup discussion

Post  Ev Mon 10 Feb - 21:10

Fi has sent a photo of a host of retro patterned cans in a myriad of patterns with the 3038 handles and the round handles.  Heaps of patterns that we don't have in this lot, but that will have to wait for now.  Thank you fi Very Happy

3038 cup discussion Fi_pat10

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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