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Paul White - Nelson EmptyToday at 17:11 by Jan Manley

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Paul White - Nelson EmptyToday at 13:49 by Ev

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Paul White - Nelson EmptyYesterday at 16:55 by Tanya Matthews

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Paul White - Nelson EmptyYesterday at 7:31 by Ev

» Derek Cooper - Pots & Patches jardinière with cartoon bulls mark.
Paul White - Nelson EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:26 by Ev

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Paul White - Nelson EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:19 by Ev

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Paul White - Nelson EmptyThu 10 Oct - 19:59 by krism

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Paul White - Nelson EmptyWed 9 Oct - 9:00 by Ev

» Small straw coloured Ambrico Potty, Chamber Pot
Paul White - Nelson EmptyTue 8 Oct - 16:52 by Ev

Paul White - Nelson

NZ Pottery Lover
10 posters

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Paul White - Nelson

Post  mumof1 Wed 22 Jan - 9:43

Paul White - Nelson Dsc09229
Modern cup and saucer - love the red
Paul White - Nelson Dsc09230
and his mark on both
Paul White - Nelson Dsc08529
a square plate, for display I imagine
Paul White - Nelson Dsc08530
Paul White - Nelson Dsc05710
Really cool vase, nice and big and well balanced
Paul White - Nelson Dsc05711
The signatures must all have been done freehand, as they vary slightly. I read on an old auction, that he no longer pots, which would explain why I can't find any info on him.

Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  haselnuss Sun 9 Aug - 20:28

Could this Temuka house brand designer be the Paul White on this thread?

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Ev Mon 10 Aug - 8:22

That is an excellent item on Temuka Pottery thanks haselnuss. Yes I imagine it is the same Paul White.
Sunny that flattish black platter is what we call a Sushi Plate.

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Paul White Pottery

Post  NZ Pottery Lover Fri 18 Mar - 14:55

I am a huge fan of Paul White's pottery. He doesn't pot any more and he definitely started out at Temuka Pottery. I am in California and am fortunate enough to get to South Island every year or two. I used to go out to Nelson Market to see Paul's latest works and  buy as much as I could hand carry back to the U.S., postage being so expensive. I always bought the pansy pattern for myself and friends, but I would pick up pieces of whatever he created that year too. I went by his studio a couple of times too. I think he was very talented, but it is tough making a living with pottery. He had some work at South Street Gallery in Nelson for a while. I was told he went to Australia for a while and I understand he came back to South Island, but isn't doing any pottery. It's a shame.  

If anyone has his pansy pottery, I am very much interested in buying more of it and I am happy to pay the shipping costs. I see it on TradeMe occasionally, but I'm in the U.S. and can't buy it.

I sometimes feel like I collect extinct NZ potters, since I also have a lot of Cook's. On a happy note, Sue Newitt's beautiful work is still being made and so is Anna Barnett. Every time I'm there, I like to explore and find more wonderful pottery. Any suggestions of more South Island potters I should explore are welcome!

NZ Pottery Lover

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2016-03-18

Sully likes this post

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  mumof1 Fri 18 Mar - 15:10

Hello NZ Pottery Lover, and welcome to the site! Thanks for that information on Paul White, it is most appreciated.

You really do like NZ Pottery, Nelson in particular by the sound of it. I agree wholly with your choice of collected potters, and I have pieces by all the above named, but then living in Mapua, they are all quite close to me!

We would love to see some photos of your collection sometime (after the 7 day grace period, due to spammers).


Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  NZ Pottery Lover Fri 18 Mar - 15:19


I love Mapua, especially since they diverted the highway. It's so nice and quiet now. My friend Janine Cairns-Michael sells some of her jewelry in the gallery there. I was actually staying at Jester House last trip, but I'm usually over at Joyanne's at Wairepo House. My husband is an obsessed fly fisherman so we spend a lot of time on South Island wandering. While he fishes, I go exploring for crafts. I love to go to markets and meet people making wonderful things. I also bring back a lot of textiles, art glass, turned wood. There are some very talented people on South Island and it is so hard to make a living with handcrafts, so I like to help support the arts!

I would be happy to send pictures of what I have. Is there any trick to posting photos, as I am new to the site?

NZ Pottery Lover

NZ Pottery Lover

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2016-03-18

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Shutterfly album of Paul White pottery

Post  NZ Pottery Lover Wed 8 Mar - 9:55

I have tried every which way to upload the images, but have had no luck. If you are interested, here is the album link with the photos. We just came back from South Island and I bought some more of Sue Newitt's pottery. It is a lovely pale green celadon porcelain with pale blue overlay floral design. Quite lovely. I will take photos before I send it to my friend as a gift.

Paul White:

NZ Pottery Lover

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2016-03-18

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Ev Wed 8 Mar - 10:01

Great photos thanks NZ Pottery lover Very Happy
I really like the pansy decoration and consider it one of the best that I've ever seen.

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Trademe pansy mugs

Post  NZ Pottery Lover Wed 8 Mar - 10:16

There are 6 pansy design with the dark blue interior on Trademe now for a bargain price. I wish I had a way to buy them, but I can't. Nice to see them though. They are so happy...

NZ Pottery Lover

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2016-03-18

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  marainaw Fri 2 Mar - 15:06

Hello. I have in my possession these items which I believe were made by Paul White. Could I confirm with you all on this thread iif that is correct?
Thank you. Paul White - Nelson 20180319
Paul White - Nelson 20180320
Paul White - Nelson 20180321
Paul White - Nelson 20180322


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2018-03-02

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Ev Fri 2 Mar - 16:21

Hi there and welcome to the site marainaw. This thread will help put your mind at ease as several have confirmed the mark to be Paul White's

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  marainaw Fri 2 Mar - 18:12

Hi Ev, thank you for that information. That was very helpful.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2018-03-02

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Would this be the same Paul White?

Post  JanPots Sat 7 Apr - 8:29

The backStamp Is different but is a simalar blue colour.
Paul White - Nelson 2018-014
Paul White - Nelson 20180414

Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Ev Sun 22 Apr - 16:48

Photos courtesy of the Ferret:

Paul White - Nelson Paul_w10

Paul White - Nelson Paul_w11

Paul White - Nelson Paul_w12

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Ev Mon 2 Jul - 7:51

Paul White goblets courtesy of the Ferret:

Paul White - Nelson Paul_w10

and another mark ...

Paul White - Nelson White_10

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Hannele Tue 30 Jun - 20:50

His use of colour makes this Milo jar something special:
Paul White - Nelson Img_1612
Paul White - Nelson Img_1614
Paul White - Nelson Img_1613

Number of posts : 702
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Early Paul White

Post  StanleyBigFeet Tue 24 Nov - 9:22

Paul did not like naming his stuff in the early days, he had to be encouraged to do it, because he did a lot of custom orders he felt they would know who made them. But from 1988 onward I would say he named everything. Hope that helps.


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2020-11-24

Ev and Hannele like this post

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Ev Wed 25 Nov - 12:54

Paul White mug for the Karapoti Bike Race 2003.
So much work has gone into this mug and I wonder how many he made?

Paul White - Nelson Paul_w13

Paul White - Nelson Paul_w14

Paul White - Nelson Paul_w15

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post Sat 30 Jan - 22:14

Paul White is my Dad. He wants to start making pottery again! He has a shed he has begun to set up to pot in, just looking for the kiln as he sold all his equipment years ago.
I'm very happy to see him with passion to create again. His grandchildren are going to get hypnotized watching him as I did as a child.

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2021-01-30

Ev, Hannele, Ruha and Sully like this post

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Re: Paul White - Nelson

Post  Ev Sun 31 Jan - 7:45

That is great news as Paul is a very good potter!
Pottery is very sought after again, like it was once upon a time.
Good luck to him Cool

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Paul White - Nelson Empty Hi, there seems to be some Paul White pansy pottery on trade me at the moment. Happy to post for you if you're interested in it.

Post  Helen Paddison Wed 5 Apr - 11:58

NZ Pottery Lover wrote:I am a huge fan of Paul White's pottery. He doesn't pot any more and he definitely started out at Temuka Pottery. I am in California and am fortunate enough to get to South Island every year or two. I used to go out to Nelson Market to see Paul's latest works and  buy as much as I could hand carry back to the U.S., postage being so expensive. I always bought the pansy pattern for myself and friends, but I would pick up pieces of whatever he created that year too. I went by his studio a couple of times too. I think he was very talented, but it is tough making a living with pottery. He had some work at South Street Gallery in Nelson for a while. I was told he went to Australia for a while and I understand he came back to South Island, but isn't doing any pottery. It's a shame.  

If anyone has his pansy pottery, I am very much interested in buying more of it and I am happy to pay the shipping costs. I see it on TradeMe occasionally, but I'm in the U.S. and can't buy it.

I sometimes feel like I collect extinct NZ potters, since I also have a lot of Cook's. On a happy note, Sue Newitt's beautiful work is still being made and so is Anna Barnett. Every time I'm there, I like to explore and find more wonderful pottery. Any suggestions of more South Island potters I should explore are welcome!

Helen Paddison

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2023-04-05

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