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Approximate time line of patterns by pattern number?
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Approximate time line of patterns by pattern number?
Is there a list somewhere of patterns in pattern number order? Is it possible to search by pattern number? I tried putting a few pattern numbers that I know are in thread titles, but no luck there:(
I'm kinda interested in how the pattern numbers correspond to production dates etc
It would be interesting to see a gallery in pattern number order... lol but that's wishful thinking, I know you've got a lot on with the site as it is!!
I'm kinda interested in how the pattern numbers correspond to production dates etc
It would be interesting to see a gallery in pattern number order... lol but that's wishful thinking, I know you've got a lot on with the site as it is!!
Cat-a-lat- Number of posts : 1044
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15
Re: Approximate time line of patterns by pattern number?
I wish... That's exactly what I wanted!!! - I have all my research in name order and have been thinking about moving it all to a 'data-base" so that I can search by name or number or indeed colour or whatever "fields" I set up. Massive job.
When looking for stuff on the site; I used the 'search button' under the log out button on the right of the screen, which was a bit "hit & miss"
Ev showed me this one, you can search on posts or the topic line. Or search in google and sometimes it brings up the forum page, then access it from there.
I found that very helpful
When looking for stuff on the site; I used the 'search button' under the log out button on the right of the screen, which was a bit "hit & miss"
Ev showed me this one, you can search on posts or the topic line. Or search in google and sometimes it brings up the forum page, then access it from there.
I found that very helpful
JanPots- Number of posts : 2171
Registration date : 2012-05-10
Re: Approximate time line of patterns by pattern number?
Hahah, can't believe I misssed that....
Cat-a-lat- Number of posts : 1044
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15
Re: Approximate time line of patterns by pattern number?
Me too.. Its opened a "whole new world"
JanPots- Number of posts : 2171
Registration date : 2012-05-10
Re: Approximate time line of patterns by pattern number?
Val Monk's new book has approximate dates going by the back stamp ..... I think on page 17 or thereabouts. I would like to research this further myself.
Re: Approximate time line of patterns by pattern number?
ACK!!!! That reminds me! LOL, I have the new book, mum gave it to me for Xmas (on the 23rd when we did our Christmas celebration with her) - but as I had surgery Xmas eve, I had put my prezzies away and completely forgotten about them lol - thanks for the reminder, will go see if I can remember where I put it....
Cat-a-lat- Number of posts : 1044
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15
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