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Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? EmptySun 15 Sep - 7:37 by Ev

Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams?

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Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Empty Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 16 Feb - 16:29

I've searched the four digits and did not see this.
Presumed Basalt glaze therefore presumed Luke Adams.
Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Basalt10
Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Basalt11
6cm H x 11.5 OD top
No marks on base.
I have not yet checked the Luke Adams list.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Empty Re: Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams?

Post  Ev Sun 16 Feb - 16:33

Yes I agree it is and I have one, but don't know what the number is ...

Number of posts : 17923
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Empty Re: Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 16 Feb - 18:28

Is yours a funny photo(?) Ev, because it looks very ORANGE!
Is it Basalt too?

I should probably look over the LA list and topics this evening.
To see what's going spare.
Not much left now.

I'm keeping an eye out for stray Basalt atm.
It seems a bit more available than Lucow.

Wrt other LA numbers 1193 and 1194 , "Dutch Casserole" and lid, I see a "Dutch Oven" effectively is a casserole, but I'm wondering whether we should be expecting something BIG here, maybe elliptical as some Dutch Ovens are. Have you ever given this one much thought?
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Empty Re: Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams?

Post  Ev Sun 16 Feb - 19:19

Basalt is orangey red when really thin though I think the camera has pronounced this even more so. You can see a dribble that has gone black and that was what I was looking for and noticed when I found it.

I'm only looking for the glazes really and not the shapes that are listed.

I'm wondering about listing all of the shape numbers that don't have where they were made, due to finding the 1176 Fork scraped Goblet Mug that was blank with regard to where made. Though that glaze could well be from the Titian factory as could my 1192 metallic Soup Cup.

Also what do I do with all of my 'made at Luke Adams' pieces?
I don't use any of it at all and they are just there for research purposes I guess and actually they have taught me a lot too.
A few pieces made it into Val's latest book and that's about the end of the story really.
Sitting their life away on a shelf with the Honey Glazed mugs .... I guess that's an honourable position in the scheme of pottery things........

Number of posts : 17923
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Empty (general chatter)

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 16 Feb - 20:03

Yes, I checked the list and see there are no numbers going spare unless something else is wrong but I guess you've been very rigorous with getting numbers right.

Re a new list: I'd love to see one, but in your own time. I don't want to rush you.

Re Adams shapes: I'm only seriously collecting the mug/goblet/(maybe cup) shapes, for my 4-digit mug collection, but I am currently entertained by the glazes and the other shapes and I'm happy to do what I can to help fill out the gallery.

Re honey glaze: these I am actively collecting: mugs etc (and coffee sets), as a contrast to the Cook and Serve. One collection of same shape with different patterns and colours, one set wildly different shapes with one glaze (although I'm enjoying some of the alternative glazes too). And...the four-ds have already well-exceeded the Cook & Serve!

If you want to find a happy home for any honey glaze mugs that I don't have already then I'd love to take them off your hands for whatever terms you think appropriate.
Looking at the attributions in the gallery I see only two with your name on (1076 Luke Adams and 1313, which is not a colour glaze at all) but I guess you may also have duplicates of some attributed to others. That's not counting the 1065 which I suppose is something you would be very reluctant to part with as I think it is the only Lucow-glazed mug in the gallery apart from the Cleverleys. I do have more than I strictly need of the Cleverleys, BTW, 10 (we have a 10 seater dining table) mugs on my Aquamarine/Lucow shelf and another one with my 4-Ds.

My current 61 castware mugs are on the "show us your mugs" topic.
There is no way I could have put together this many in just 6 months with just op-shop and (reasonably priced) trademe purchases. I have relied heavily on the assistance of fellow forum members by way of trades etc.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams? Empty Re: Basalt Ramekin Luke Adams?

Post  Ev Sun 16 Feb - 21:24

I will take a photo of my lot and you can take your pick. I won't include anything that I do want to keep and as I will be going to the Crown Lynn Exhibition in Whangarei I will find a way of getting them to you. No charge as long as they go to someone who appreciates them Wink

Number of posts : 17923
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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