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A few more monogrammed wares

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A few more monogrammed wares Empty A few more monogrammed wares

Post  mumof1 Fri 14 Mar - 13:51

A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00323
I have no idea what this stands for, the best I came up with was D (Dunedin, Dannevirke...) Working Mens Club, but it could be something completely different
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00324
with this stamp
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00325
RR (maybe Rolls Royce?)
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00326
from 1978
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00327
St George's Hospital
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00328
Not sure of date on this one
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00329
St Margaret's College
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00330
from 1971
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00333
and lastly, this egg cup from Southland Hospital Board
A few more monogrammed wares Dsc00332
No year on this though.  sunny

Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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A few more monogrammed wares Empty Re: A few more monogrammed wares

Post  Ducks Nuts Wed 18 Jun - 10:10

I think you'll find the RR has nothing to do with Rolls Royce, I think its from Christchurch's Rangi Ruru Boarding School.
Ducks Nuts
Ducks Nuts

Number of posts : 100
Registration date : 2011-07-18

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