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More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
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More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Going by your wonderful new descriptions, Ev, I think a couple of 'don't know' items in my boxes have just been promoted to CL. This little dish looks like 1251 Corn Cob Dish. It is not marked on the base. I have also seen a larger one but didn't get it.... Bother, as we say. Maybe you can give a definitive yes or no. Both this dish and the following goblet have CL-like glazes.
This dish is 14 cm end to end, which fits with your description. it is 10.5 across and it's shallow, only 3 cm height.
This goblet could be 1296 Grape Embossed Wine Goblet. I have a set of six, and SOMEWHERE I also have a matching carafe thing. This goblet is 8 cm tall and 7 cm across the top. It is unmarked apart from a hand-inscribed V or 7. It has that deeply recessed base like the Irish coffee mugs.
This dish is 14 cm end to end, which fits with your description. it is 10.5 across and it's shallow, only 3 cm height.
This goblet could be 1296 Grape Embossed Wine Goblet. I have a set of six, and SOMEWHERE I also have a matching carafe thing. This goblet is 8 cm tall and 7 cm across the top. It is unmarked apart from a hand-inscribed V or 7. It has that deeply recessed base like the Irish coffee mugs.
Maryr- Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Yowww owwww eeeee Yes I will totally go along with your findings Maryr.
That contrasting glaze on the 1251 looks similar to the 1169 and the base is immaculate!! Grape wine goblet is a definite yes from me too.
Awesome !! Thank you!!
That contrasting glaze on the 1251 looks similar to the 1169 and the base is immaculate!! Grape wine goblet is a definite yes from me too.
Awesome !! Thank you!!
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Tomorrow I have another Royal Oak treasure for you.
Maryr- Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Val if you have a copy of the Modeller's Log Book could you check the entry for 26th November 1962, as it refers to a Salad Dish with Corn Cob and has a profile drawing that looks like your dish above, though being a salad dish it's probably the bigger size 1250 and there is a leaf dish the same shape, which is shape 1252 I guess. It's great when we know what we are looking for!
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
I don't have the modellers log book, but will look next time I am in ak.
Maryr- Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Great Ev. Yes the larger corn cob dish I didn't buy had that same profile. From memory it was smaller than a standard serving-type dish. About the size of a dessert plate but shallower and that oval shape. Hopefully we will now see them "everywhere".
Maryr- Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
A corn cob dish.
20.5cm long, 15cm wide and 5cm high.
It has a sticker on the base with the red British Tudor Rose and the other one looks a bit like a maple leaf which is on the Canadian flag and in between it looks like Holly and may be the letters C, I , W. Plus For home and country.
I haven't got a clue what that sticker is about.
20.5cm long, 15cm wide and 5cm high.
It has a sticker on the base with the red British Tudor Rose and the other one looks a bit like a maple leaf which is on the Canadian flag and in between it looks like Holly and may be the letters C, I , W. Plus For home and country.
I haven't got a clue what that sticker is about.
haselnuss- Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Thanks haselnuss it looks like the 1250 Corn Cob Bowl, even though they say 225mm long I think we should go with this as it is the same as Maryr's but a fair bit bigger. Are those letters something to do with Country Women's Institute?
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
That makes complete sense!
haselnuss- Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Hehehhhee Google confirmed that thought's+institute+badge&biw=1093&bih=502&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=TakSVLGzC4i8uATJ-YLQDQ&ved=0CDQQsAQ's+institute+badge&biw=1093&bih=502&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=TakSVLGzC4i8uATJ-YLQDQ&ved=0CDQQsAQ
Last edited by Ev on Fri 12 Sep - 20:06; edited 1 time in total
Re: More Crown Lynn for gallery I think.. corn dish and goblet
Hubby just found this on Google too.
haselnuss- Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12
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