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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl EmptyToday at 11:03 by Ev

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl EmptyToday at 10:18 by Ev

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl EmptyToday at 10:09 by Ev

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl EmptyToday at 9:59 by Ev

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl EmptyToday at 7:01 by Ev

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl Empty My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl

Post  Cat-a-lat Fri 25 Apr - 19:39

$5 at Taupo Saturday market earlier this month: My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl Dsc04033

That's a mandarin inside it by the way

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl Empty Re: My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl

Post  Thelma Thu 1 May - 13:27

Hi, I should know the name of this pattern but have lost my book that had a whole lot of info in it, so, I am methodically going through a lot of things to find it. Hopefully soon? confused 

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl Empty Re: My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl

Post  Cat-a-lat Thu 1 May - 14:43

Thanks very much Thelma, I googled myself half to death trying to find the name, with no success!

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl Empty Re: My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl

Post  Thelma Tue 2 Dec - 23:26

Yay! I finally found my book of Temuka brochures and this design is called Garden party! :party:

Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl Empty Re: My BIG $5 Temuka apricot design (anyone know the name?) bowl

Post  Cat-a-lat Wed 3 Dec - 19:43

Awesome, Thanks Thelma! Very Happy Very Happy :party:

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
Registration date : 2012-02-15

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