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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyToday at 17:11 by Jan Manley

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyToday at 13:49 by Ev

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyYesterday at 16:55 by Tanya Matthews

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyYesterday at 7:31 by Ev

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:26 by Ev

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:19 by Ev

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyThu 10 Oct - 19:59 by krism

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyWed 9 Oct - 9:00 by Ev

» Small straw coloured Ambrico Potty, Chamber Pot
Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! EmptyTue 8 Oct - 16:52 by Ev

Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!!

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! Empty Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!!

Post  Ev Thu 8 May - 12:34

It was really exciting to find this pattern in Alison Reid's little Aunty Mavis shop yesterday in St Kevin's Arcade, K Road!  I had seen this pattern in Crown Lynn adverts that are at the Auckland Museum, but as they are in black and white from the early 60's, I had no idea what colour it would be ...... and it's PINK with a Scottish tartan look !!
The pattern numbers on the backstamp are rather difficult to read, but thanks to the Database I found it reads Pat.No.392.

Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! Glenca10

Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! Glenca12

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! Empty Re: Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!!

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 8 May - 17:54

Thats very nice! I wonder if they are tartan Tulip cups or sth Pacific.?? Cool 
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! Empty Re: Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!!

Post  Ev Thu 8 May - 18:03

I was wondering what cups and would they be plain pink or have the pattern ....
and I went looking and found this ... photo deleted .

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!! Empty Re: Glencairn Pat.No.392 from the early 1960's !!!

Post  Ev Sun 11 Dec - 12:05

From a 1962 Price List:

Glencairn d392 - Underglaze light red border stamp; light red colour glaze 781 cup.

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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