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Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 EmptySat 12 Oct - 7:31 by Ev

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Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:26 by Ev

Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123

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Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 Empty Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123

Post  Ev Sun 29 Jun - 7:17

I didn't realise that this shape came in two sizes and now we need to work out if we have them or not.  They look like the 1044 shape, but there are a couple of other possibilities as well.  Help Jeremy !!

Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 Tankar10

Last edited by Ev on Thu 7 Aug - 17:15; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 Empty Re: Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 29 Jun - 10:17

1044 coffee mug
1054 beer mug, like 1010.

I think the photo of Thelma's 1054 might be a bit distorted.
Some measurements of the 1054 from Fi would be handy, to compare with the 1010.
"1010 is 11.8mm H x 80 OD top x 68 OD base"

I have just bought a 1054 in honey glaze and compared it with fi's two, above, for size. It may just be different photography but mine appears taller. I will post measurements when it arrives.

I'm guess that fi's pair do not have numbers on the base, which is not unusual for product from the Luke Adams factory ... and I know they are both Luke Adams because one is in Lucow glaze, the other Basalt. From:

1054 - Beer Mug (Like 1010 Titian) Basalt - 1969
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 Empty What about the glaze: Deco No 123 Homestead???

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 7 Aug - 17:08

Ev, I was just tidying up some topics on Basalt glaze and something occurred to me about the middle tankard/mug here.

While we were discussing Lucow (and Basalt) you told me about a third glaze used exclusively by Luke Adams (or maybe I just read about it). At first I thought the middle mug was a variation of Basalt, but it looks green rather than brown to me.

As the left and right mugs appear to be Lucow and Basalt, respectively, could the middle one be the third Adams glaze: Homestead Deco No - 123 ??

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Thu 7 Aug - 18:42; edited 1 time in total
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 Empty Re: Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123

Post  Ev Thu 7 Aug - 17:14

You could very well be right Jeremy, as I haven't seen any sign of this glaze yet.
I will add the name to the title so that we can find this again.

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 Empty Re: Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 7 Aug - 17:46

I wonder if we could get fi to make some more photos so we can get a better idea of the colour and variations of the glaze.

From just the one photo it could turn out to be the same glaze as on my 1159 and 1199 mugs (the latter can be seen below.)
Tankards in two sizes courtesy of fi .... in Lucow, Basalt and possibly Homestead Decor 123 119910

If is is Deco 123 Homestead then (based on the use of Lucow and Basalt) it will only be found on shapes made in the Luke Adams works, not Titianware shapes.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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