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Kelston Potteries Melody

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Kelston Potteries Melody Empty Kelston Potteries Melody

Post  Banker Tue 5 Aug - 19:50

Hi everyone.  I have amassed a lot of this pattern and am using it, along with Kelston Strata and dark brown colour glaze accessories, as my main dinner set (great mix).

Last week I came across a Strata 22cm lunch plate; I had not realised one was made for that pattern which now has me wondering if 22cm lunch plates exist in the Melody pattern too? Does anyone know?  Cool 


Number of posts : 98
Location : Nelson in my little cottage with hubby Jeremy (my name is Gemma)
Registration date : 2012-02-02

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Kelston Potteries Melody Empty Re: Kelston Potteries Melody

Post  JanPots Tue 5 Aug - 20:22

Museum notes say Melody came in 5" 8" and 10" which are the three sizes plates.
I have this set, alas no lunch plates   Sad 
Although ..... I think I do have a lunch sized plate tucked away, it has a chip, If I recall ???
Kelston Potteries Melody 00310

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Kelston Potteries Melody Empty Re: Kelston Potteries Melody

Post  Banker Tue 5 Aug - 20:28

Thank you! Very good to know. I love having something to search for.  Razz 

Number of posts : 98
Location : Nelson in my little cottage with hubby Jeremy (my name is Gemma)
Registration date : 2012-02-02

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