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Crown Lynn test plates from Jim

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Crown Lynn test plates from Jim  Empty Crown Lynn test plates from Jim

Post  Maryr Tue 9 Sep - 11:25

Here are some interesting plates Jim (Whangarei) picked up the other day.  Judging by the scratches on the patterns, it looks like they are well use. It appears that CL were experimenting with different colours as variations of Emerald D334 and Lyric D338... both these patterns are elsewhere on the site, I have copied the pics for ease of comparison.
Crown Lynn test plates from Jim  Cl_tes15

Crown Lynn test plates from Jim  Cl_tes16

Crown Lynn test plates from Jim  Cl_tes17

Here are Emerald and Lyric

Crown Lynn test plates from Jim  Emeral10

Crown Lynn test plates from Jim  Lyric_10

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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