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Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  Ev Thu 13 Nov - 16:47

It's a beefy beast, but it was the glaze that made me ask the question.  The plain brown glaze is matt and the contrasting white is so thick in places that it has broken off.  This is slip cast, but I need someone to confirm if it is indeed Royal Oak.  The clay is an odd colour, that is not white and not yellow, but a creamy variation.

Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Goblet10

Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Goblet11

Number of posts : 18010
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Re: Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 13 Nov - 18:10

Certainly looks like it. Clunky enough.
The lava can vary a bit from one example to another.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Re: Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  Maryr Fri 14 Nov - 7:19

That Matt brown looks like a Royal Oak glaze, as does the contrasting glaze glooped over the top. I am not familiar with this shape but I would be happy for you to put it in the RO gallery Ev. I have been told that sometimes the glaze stains the clay base before it is wiped off which can explain variations in the colour of the base.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Re: Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  mike67 Sun 23 Nov - 10:59

Definitely RO. I have had a few of these in that slightly different body and glaze that I think could be from the later? Sama period. These glazes when in the brown and cream are different and are very prone to crazing unlike most RO.Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Dscn4811
Of these 3 RO bottles the brown and cream is badly crazed and it is only these glazes I have seen with the top. All of my others have corks.
Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Dscn4812

I have often wondered what the purpose of the many different bottles was but these were sold as a set so I guess they were meant to be for sherry or port. The bottle is a traditional port shape on reflection. I dont think the small sip is in the gallery. Only 65 mm tall.
Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Dscn4813
Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Dscn4814

Number of posts : 392
Location : Wanganui
Registration date : 2014-02-22

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Re: Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  Ev Sun 23 Nov - 11:09

Thanks Mike as you know more about this ware than me and that little sip is ... odd.
The sip now makes a total of 100 shapes that Royal Oak made cheers
Of course there will be more to come.

Number of posts : 18010
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Re: Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  mike67 Sun 23 Nov - 11:26

I have got to admire RO's output if not all of there shapes and finishing. I can see why a potter would treat much RO with disdain as many shapes are ungainly and the finishing leaves much to be desired. The tall goblets are all very poorly finished around the base and several of mine have the central stem off centre. I am sure all of these faults could have been minimised when they came out of the slip mold. Just not enough care.
However when you get a bunch of these ungainly, even ugly, shapes together they take on another persona entirely for me. I have really got to like the ugly from RO.

Number of posts : 392
Location : Wanganui
Registration date : 2014-02-22

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty More Royal Oak

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 23 Nov - 11:31

Note to Mike.

I think it was my suggestion that SAMA-marked pottery followed that marked Royal Oak, but, as Val has pointed out that they are effectively one and the same manufacturer, until we have documentation of dates for the different brandings I am now inclined to think the quality of the glazes, with the SAMA prone to crazing and being less interesting, indicates that SAMA may have been an earlier mark. We shall see.

WRT the sherry/port bottles: "all my others .." suggests you have plenty more treasures for us to see yet!

My feelings about RO coincide with yours. En masse it makes a brilliant display.
I think the fettling quality of RO exceeds that of Orzel.

Ev, more RO here:

Also, there are some more shapes on the forum yet to make it to the gallery. I posted a coffee set with a different selection of handles.

Here they are:Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Potmug10
Pot, mug, jug

The mug has made it with Val's example but the pot and jug have not.

A bit later ...
... more thoughts on SAMA vs Royal Oak.

I was just reminded in looking at the gallery that Val's large handled mug is a SAMA.
That info, taken with the variety of handle shapes within a single coffee set (as seen above) suggests Owen Salisbury and co had not yet resolved handle design when this set was made, which in turn supports the proposition that SAMA branding preceded Royal Oak branding and thus possibly created a point of difference between their painted bisques and their own slipware.

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Sun 23 Nov - 15:16; edited 1 time in total
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Re: Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  Ev Sun 23 Nov - 11:57

Sorry Jeremy and thanks for giving me a nudge as I lose track of Royal Oak and unless it gets spelt out that a shape is to go into the Gallery I'm inclined not to notice.

Gail Henry/Lambert talks about SAMA but I haven't checked it out.

Number of posts : 18010
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Goblet Royal Oak? Empty Re: Is this Goblet Royal Oak?

Post  Maryr Sun 5 Apr - 16:16

We now know that below is the sequence for Royal Oak/Sama etc kitchen ware.

Circa 1967-1969 Winifred May Ware
C 1969-early 1970s Sama
Early 1970s onward Royal Oak. The floral Royal Oak Daisy Ware which we are so familiar with was introduced in 1978
I am not sure whether the Royal Oak sticker/stamp was used until the end.
Royal Oak downsized in 1998
The Royal Oak business finally closed down in 2014.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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