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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace EmptyMon 13 Jan - 17:38 by Ev

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace EmptyMon 13 Jan - 0:16 by jamiehatchard

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:43 by Ev

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:28 by Ev

Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  sid Sun 21 Dec - 11:14

Have read that the Rob Muldoon Jug was made by Peter Lange. But can not confirm this. Does anyone know who did  make it?

Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace P1050324
Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace P1050325
Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace P1050326
Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace P1050327


Number of posts : 76
Location : auckland
Registration date : 2010-06-11

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Ev Sun 21 Dec - 11:58

It took a while to find, but I remember this being identified as made by a Nelson potter Robert Wallace.!!!!+Robert+Muldoon+toby+jug+%7C+Trade+Me

You still need to click onto the little triangle at the end and click on the cached to see the auction.

also on this blog about three quarters the way down the page it describes the Nelson potter firing these ..

However this still needs to be confirmed as I saw the Te Papa post saying these were made by Peter Lange when I was looking for the maker.
Peter Gibbs from Nelson should be able to confirm .....

It's great to see the old blighter on here thanks sid and in the meantime until otherwise updated I will add the mark as Robert Wallace.

Last edited by Ev on Sun 21 Dec - 15:14; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  mumof1 Sun 21 Dec - 14:30

I love this old mug, as I have one by the same potter myself! Apparently, the original was made by Peter Lange during the Muldoon era. Then the Nelson made ones emerged. Now I have seen 2 others a while ago, both made by other potters, and the man in the antique shop told me that they too were made by a Nelson potter, but they weren't up to the standard of this one (and they weren't! They were lighter, smaller, and unmarked). On my recent trip to Christchurch, the shop I stopped at had 2 as well. Both inferior quality to Sids, and unmarked, and I would say, by the same potter as the other 2 I have seen. I would almost go so far as to say that they were perhaps hobby ceramics. I had been looking for some time for one made by Peter Lange, but as one had never emerged, (besides one I saw a long time ago on TM, that went for an outrageous amount), I decided to purchase the one by Robert Wallace.
Well done Sid, I love my double faced jug, it reminds me of my youth! sunny

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  mumof1 Sun 21 Dec - 14:46

A more recent one, but no-one asked for a mark to be shown

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  sid Mon 22 Dec - 12:35

Thanks for your help Ev and Mumof1. Would love to see the original by Peter Lange. As you have noted is still a great piece to have in your collection.


Number of posts : 76
Location : auckland
Registration date : 2010-06-11

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Ev Mon 22 Dec - 16:50

I emailed Peter Lange to ask if he made the original Muldoon jug and he replied saying that he has been asked this before, but no he never made the jug. He added that he did make about 6 Muldoon tiles once with cartoonist Les Gibbard, but only for family members.

How does one correct Te Papa I wonder?

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  mumof1 Mon 22 Dec - 17:12

So, these ones that we have could be the originals????? even better!
Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Misc210
Here is my one. Sid, is yours a pale avocado overglaze or honey like mine?

Last edited by mumof1 on Mon 22 Dec - 17:24; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add photo)

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  sid Wed 24 Dec - 10:29

hi Mumof1, I would describe the colour as honey even though it has a green tinge in the photo. Thanks for contacting Peter, Ev. that's one more urban myth dispensed. Merry Christmas. Sid


Number of posts : 76
Location : auckland
Registration date : 2010-06-11

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  mumof1 Mon 19 Oct - 8:41

This auction is claiming the mark is that of denis Stevens

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Ev Thu 26 May - 7:42

These don't show up very often on Trade Me, but one has been listed as perhaps Crown Lynn with a Peter Lange mention ..... ??

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Timmo Thu 26 May - 15:03

Robert Wallace made these here in Nelson , I think as a novelty / protest item. His real pottery was stunning. I remember showing Mirek a piece of his work and he was most impressed. His early mark is an intertwined RZ for Robert & Zoe. The owl mark came later I think when Zoe left him. Have added a pic of some of his pieces to my profile

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2016-05-03

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Ev Thu 26 May - 16:25

Fantastic thanks Timmo as this is one of those mysteries that has now been sewn up thanks to you.
Haven't seen any other work by Robert, so thanks for giving us some idea with your avatar.  Looks like a very proficient potter indeed and appears to be heavily influenced by the great Mirek Smisek.

How weird that today I was looking at a ramekin in my stash that has RZ as the mark.
Can you tell me if it is Robert and Zoe's mark please?

Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Dsc_0214

Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Dsc_0215

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Timmo Thu 26 May - 17:15

Hi Ev , yes that's it. You will find some Japanese inspired work by him. i have a teapot which I thought was Mireks but has the RZ. They were all getting the influence from Hamada and his visit here.

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2016-05-03

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Ev Thu 26 May - 17:19

Brilliant thanks again Timmo as now their mark can go into the Potters Marks Gallery cheers

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty More info about Robert Wallace

Post  mumof1 Sat 27 Aug - 12:01 Auction 1150105678

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Another Robert Wallace Mark?

Post  mumof1 Mon 6 Jan - 15:31

Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace P1110810
So I was re-reading this post the other day, and decided to check these salt & pepper, which have the same type of decoration as Ev's ramekin.

Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace P1110812
The salt has the same RZ mark, which did not surprise me.

Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace P1110811
However, the pepper has this tree or fern like mark, which l was not expecting. Has anyone ever seen this before? They are obviously a pair.

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  mumof1 Mon 6 Jan - 18:30

May I have some feedback on the salt & pepper please? If it is a new mark, we should add it to the gallery perhaps.

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace Empty Re: Rob Muldoon Jug made by Robert Wallace

Post  Ev Mon 6 Jan - 19:34

Please add it to the Gallery Anne Smile

Mike passed away last week and I'm not up to doing much atm.

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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