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Peter Gibbs bowl

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Peter Gibbs bowl Empty Peter Gibbs bowl

Post  mumof1 Fri 23 Jan - 11:09

Peter Gibbs bowl Dsc04715
My latest aquisition is this fab bowl, glazed inside and running slightly from the rim to the outside, which has an almost bisk feel, and a good size too
Peter Gibbs bowl Dsc04611
I didn't even see the signature till I got home as it is rather faint, so a nice surprise sunny

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Peter Gibbs bowl Empty Re: Peter Gibbs bowl

Post  Ev Fri 23 Jan - 17:36

I've only ever seen his mark that has two circles overlapping, so it's good to see his full name.

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Peter Gibbs bowl Empty Circles Mark

Post  Kat & Co. Mon 28 Sep - 9:46

Peter Gibbs lovely salt glaze pot with Circles mark Cool
Peter Gibbs bowl Img_3445
Peter Gibbs bowl Img_3446
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Peter Gibbs bowl Empty Re: Peter Gibbs bowl

Post  Ev Mon 28 Sep - 9:50

Peter was on the NZ Studio Pottery Facebook page saying that someone else used that mark of two rings other than him. He said he stopped using it once he realised this. So without him coming along to identify this lovely piece we will just leave it for now. He is a member of this site if you care to message him Kat ......

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Peter Gibbs bowl Empty Re: Peter Gibbs bowl

Post  mumof1 Wed 30 Sep - 10:57

Peter Gibbs bowl Dsc08122
I have a lidded container that I thought was also a Peter Gibbs piece, but I may be wrong too
Peter Gibbs bowl Dsc08123

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Peter Gibbs bowl Empty Re: Peter Gibbs bowl

Post  Ev Sun 11 Jul - 9:37

Peter Gibbs salt glazed teapot courtesy of the Ferret:

Peter Gibbs bowl Peter_25

Peter Gibbs bowl Peter_26

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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