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Many images in posts are not showing any more ...
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Many images in posts are not showing any more ...
Hopefully you will be able to see this topic on Forumotion and there is no solution it appears as servimg has let us down again .... Bah Humbug
Re: Many images in posts are not showing any more ...
Perhaps if members come across posts of theirs where the photo is missing, they could re-load it? We could post instructions on how if anyone is unsure. I have done a couple of mine and the images stay (until next time maybe, but worth a try). I realise we will never get them all back this way, but it is a start.
mumof1- Admin
- Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21
Re: Many images in posts are not showing any more ...
I have noticed some definitely missing and some places I expect to see one there is none there. After discussion with Ev I realised that by doing an edit or a quote you can see that the link remains but doesn't load the pic.
I sometimes refer to my own topics and have yet to notice anything missing.
Although my own image filing is pretty random I can probably sort it if anything is gone? Likewise if it is a topic that interests me I may have downloaded a copy image.
Is there any logic to what is missing?
Is it just old pics or are newer ones going too?
I sometimes refer to my own topics and have yet to notice anything missing.
Although my own image filing is pretty random I can probably sort it if anything is gone? Likewise if it is a topic that interests me I may have downloaded a copy image.
Is there any logic to what is missing?
Is it just old pics or are newer ones going too?
Jeremy Ashford- Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11
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