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No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern!

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No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern! Empty No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern!

Post  Ev Thu 5 Feb - 17:58

I've been looking for this pattern ever since we began this site and I saw one plate at a Vintage Fair for $25 and turned my nose up at it. However there has been many a day that I rued that decision ..... until I saw a piece listed on TradeMe and using Bidbud to help me, I won it for $5.50 cheers
Now the reason why this pattern is so important to me is that we bought this dinnerset for MIL in the 1970's from Farmers in Otara and she fell in love with it. Though 7 years ago she couldn't find one piece, so I just had to find one and here it is. The pattern is raised and it us under the honey glaze, so would not be ruined like Charmaine which is on top of the glaze. It's just beautiful and it doesn't have any markings on the base. I seem to recall that the cups were shape 25 ..... ?

No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern! Honey_14


Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern! Empty Re: No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern!

Post  Ev Thu 19 Feb - 19:10

While checking the Database, I found Charmaine d838 which we haven't found yet and I wonder if that is the name of this pattern ......?

Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern! Empty Re: No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern!

Post  JanPots Fri 20 Feb - 8:26


Number of posts : 2149
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern! Empty Re: No Namer like Charmaine, but with a honey glaze over the pattern!

Post  Ev Fri 20 Feb - 10:20

Haha, well that blows that theory now doesn't it.

Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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