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» Hardy Browning
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyToday at 15:06 by Hilary Browning

» Studio Ceramics WOVEN KETE
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyToday at 12:07 by Myhaylos

» John Booth
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyYesterday at 7:33 by Ev

» Cursive LA - Luke Adams 1906/8?
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyWed 2 Oct - 22:46 by Snail

» Glenn Beattie
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyWed 2 Oct - 8:15 by Ev

» Is this a Len Castle?
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyTue 1 Oct - 23:13 by Ballear

» Rosemary Perry
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyTue 1 Oct - 7:47 by Ev

» Chrisso Pottery, Bulls
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptyMon 30 Sep - 10:34 by Ev

» Royal Oak selection 1943 -1964
Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. EmptySun 29 Sep - 19:10 by Ev

Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape.

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Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. Empty Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape.

Post  Ev Thu 26 Feb - 11:09

While in Auckland yesterday I called into Alison Reid's shop in St Kevin's Arcade and she showed me two of these most unusual plates.  They are in the Coupe shallow shape unlike Frisco which is on the Forma shape.  The glaze is a shade of maroon that I've never seen before and the pattern which is just like Frisco is markedly raised and quite rough.  It is the usual 26cm across for a dinner plate.  Personally I think it is magnificent, which may be because I've never seen it before.  I had to get one of course ...>?<
The base doesn't have a backstamp, but does have a blue cross that cuts through the glaze and is rough to touch.  Check it out !!

Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. Like_f10

Obviously a test plate with the Frisco pattern on the Coupe shape. Like_f11

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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