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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyToday at 9:02 by Ev

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyWed 22 Jan - 16:57 by Ev

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyWed 22 Jan - 13:32 by mumof1

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyMon 20 Jan - 16:06 by Ev

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyMon 20 Jan - 9:45 by Russellk

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyFri 17 Jan - 10:41 by mumof1

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 17:01 by Melita

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 16:55 by Cyd

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! EmptyThu 16 Jan - 9:20 by Melita

Help identifying this please? It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa!

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! Empty Help identifying this please? It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa!

Post  donpackett Tue 3 Mar - 3:34

Hi there,

I bought this interesting piece in a little town in South Africa in December. When we got home I inspected it a little further and realised that underneath the blue/green paint is engraved "MADE IN NEW ZEALAND".

So I know it was obviously from NZ, I'd just like to know if there's any particular significance to the figure with his hands clasped, or details at the bottom (besides 1980 which I assume is the date made).

Any help would be extremely appreciated.

Thanks so much!

Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! <a href=Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! Img_2910" />

Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! Img_2911

Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! Img_2912


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2015-03-03

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! Empty Re: Help identifying this please? It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa!

Post  Ev Tue 3 Mar - 5:56

Hi there Don and welcome to the site.
What you have is a Ti Toki liqueur bottle that depicts a Tekoteko.
Your one would have been made at Orzel Potteries Drury in 1980.
These bottles have been made by many potteries over the years and are still being made today. They are very popular and are sought after on auction sites.

Here is a link to the Ti Toki site -

Number of posts : 18054
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Help identifying this please?  It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa! Empty Re: Help identifying this please? It's a Ti Toki bottle found in South Africa!

Post  donpackett Tue 3 Mar - 19:24

Thank you SO much Ev. Really appreciate the help. As I mentioned, we love it, and it's good to now know the history of it.

Thanks again!


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2015-03-03

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